Slow to Wrath, Jas 1:19

Slow to Wrath Jas. 1:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are three things you need to be slow to do.  You must be slow to anger, slow to speak and slow to wrath.  We are going to study each of these today since more Christians are troubled by these three things...

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Slow To Anger, Prov 16:32

Slow To Anger Prov. 16:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The purpose of this broadcast is to help you become slow to anger.  You can see how monumental this task is by considering what Solomon says about a man who can control his anger.  He says that a man that is slow...

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Be Ye Angry, And Sin Not, Eph 4:26

I have often thought, “How is it possible to be angry and not sin?”  I believe that every time I have ever been angry, I have sinned in some capacity.  When you fail to rule your spirit you are going to do or say something wrong.  Yet, in thinking about...

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How Do You Handle Anger, Prov 14:29

Anger is a natural emotional response, as are other emotions like sadness, and joy, and loneliness, and fear, etc.  According to Paul, it is possible to be angry and sin not, Eph 4:26.  However, more times than not, anger is a loss of temper, and therefore sin.  And because it...

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Stirreth Up Strife, Prov 10:12

In four verses in Proverbs, we find the expression, “stirreth up strife”.  Strife is agitation, contention, opposition, or quarrel in your relationship with someone else. Whenever you find strife in any relationship, you should look for the underlying cause.  You can have strife in your marriage, in your family, among...

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Emotions That Lead To Sin, Prov 7:18

Some emotions lead to sin.  Of course, there are all kinds of ways to get into sin.  You can be enticed by lust [Jas 1:14] or you can be enticed by others [Prov 1:10].  But sometimes you get into sin as a result of an emotion.  Common emotions that often...

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Put Away, 1 Cor 5:13

There are some things that don’t go away on their own and God doesn’t deliver you from them.  You have to put away these people or things in your life.   Put away: A wicked person – 1 Cor 5:13.  In the context of v.11, we are not to keep...

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Don’t Choose Sin as the Remedy, Eph 4:26

Don’t Choose Sin as the Remedy Eph. 4:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Eph 4:26 Paul says, “Be ye angry, and sin not.”  So there is an allowance for anger.  The point is that at times anger is an appropriate response to something wrong.  Look at Jesus in Mark 3:5.  He...

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The Multitude Rose Up, Acts 16:22

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON We learn much about human nature and the reactions of people from reading the Bible.  And we shouldn’t ignore these things when we’re preaching just because they don’t move us to a particular response at the time.  The inspiration of...

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Put Off the Old, Put On the New, Eph 4:20-32

In Eph 4:20-32, Paul gave us very practical instructions about the Christian life.  He told us to put off the old man and to put on the new man.   We must put off the old man because he is “corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,” Eph 4:22.  We are...

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