Effective Communication James 1:19

Effective Communication James 1:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In relationships, like marriages, effective communication is vital to understanding and happiness.  To be effective you must: Listen – Jas 1:19 you are to be swift to hear, and slow to speak. You can’t hear if you are preparing your answer rather than...

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Do You Rule Your Own Spirit?

Do You Rule Your Own Spirit? Prov. 25:28   Solomon says that if you don’t rule your own spirit, you are like a “city that is broken down, and without walls”. That is not good. You are disorganized, and unprotected. None of us would choose to live in a city...

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Just Let Bitterness Go, Eph 4:31-32

Ephesians 4:31-32 Just Let It Go CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christians today can be very bitter about some things.  So Paul gives a  great admonition on how to get past all that.  You’ve got to put away some things and that can be mighty tough.  He tells us to put away:...

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The Women in Proverbs, Prov 2:16

The Women in Proverbs Prov. 2:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are thirteen different women in Proverbs.  Of these, 9 are bad women and 4 are good women.  According to these numbers, as a general rule, then, there are about twice as many bad women as there are good.  We will...

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He That Ruleth His Spirit Prov.16:32

He That Ruleth His Spirit Prov.16:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Prov 16:32, he that ruleth his spirit [is better] than he that taketh a city.  This shows how strong a man must be to rule his spirit.  We are emotional beings and our emotions affect our spirits.  In other...

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The Root of Bitterness, Heb 12:15

The Root of Bitterness CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this sermon on Heb 12:15, we get right down to the root of bitterness. Bitterness has many sources – “any” – see how bitterness affected the following: 1 Sam 1:10 – Hannah – the bitterness of barrenness 1 Sam 15:32 – Samuel...

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Slow to Anger II Cor. 12:10

Slow to Anger CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today we are going to look at some of the factors in your life that contribute to your outbursts of anger or to that seething internal anger, if you are one of those who is able to control the outbursts.  Solomon said that you...

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Lay Thine Hand Upon Thy Mouth Prov. 30: 32-33

Shut Thy Mouth Prov. 30: 32-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to this text there are three good times to lay thine hand upon thy mouth – of course there are more good reasons than just what we find in this text but this text gives us three specific occasions...

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Getting Put to Shame Prov. 25: 8-10

Getting Put to Shame Prov. 25: 8-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A sure fire way to get put to shame is to refuse to hear the good counsel of these verses. In verse 8 you go to a fellow half-cocked and mad and strive with him over something you suspect...

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Anger Management Prov. 16: 32

Anger Management Prov. 16:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The world likes this phrase and so I’ll use it – it reminds me of a mother I saw hollering at her young son in the swimming pool and telling him to use his anger management tools [too late – he had already...

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