Anointing the Priests, Ex 28:41

Anointing the Priests Ex. 28:41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read about anointing the priests in the Old Testament, you see four words used in connection with their service: anoint, consecrate, sanctify and hallow, Ex 29:21.  These words are so similar that you think they can be used interchangeably.  But...

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Told For a Memorial of Her, Matt 26:6-13

A few days before Jesus died, an extraordinary thing took place.  Mary anointed his body with ointment [Matt 26:6-13].  What she did was so remarkable that Jesus said wherever the gospel is preached, what she did would be told for a memorial of her.  Well, I preach the gospel, so...

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He is the Anointed of the Lord, 1 Sam 24:1-15

1 Sam 24:1-15 He is the Anointed of the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David and his men were in a cave in the wilderness of Engedi when Saul and his men were hunting for them.   Saul ended up sleeping in the cave where David and his men were hiding.  So,...

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