Bible Understanding, 1 Jn 2:27

Bible Understanding 1 Jn. 2:27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bible understanding is the result of praying, reading, believing, doing, studying, trusting, and simplifying.  Trust the Holy Spirit to teach you. Recently we have been asked this same question by two different people.  They want to know how to understand what...

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Anointing the Priests, Ex 28:41

Anointing the Priests Ex. 28:41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read about anointing the priests in the Old Testament, you see four words used in connection with their service: anoint, consecrate, sanctify and hallow, Ex 29:21.  These words are so similar that you think they can be used interchangeably.  But...

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Antichrists, 1 Jn 2:18-29

1 Jn 2:18-29 is about antichrists and how to identify them and how to protect against them.  There is not just one antichrist.  There are many antichrists, v.18.  Jesus said there would be, Matt 24:24.  John wrote, “It is the last time”, which includes Tribulation saints.  And he said that...

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Thou Anointest My Head With Oil, Ps 23:5

In Ps 23:5 David wrote, “thou anointest my head with oil”.  When David was a teenager, the Lord instructed Samuel to anoint him as the successor King to Saul, 1 Sam 16:13.  When Samuel anointed him with the oil, “the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day...

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The Anointing Oil, Ex 29:7-9

The Anointing Oil Ex. 29: 7-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You find anointing oil used for several purposes in the Bible.  The oil typifies the Holy Spirit.  By studying anointing, we can see what the Holy Spirit does in our lives when he anoints us. For instance, Jesus was anointed...

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Provisions For A King, 1 Sam 10:1-13

1 Sam 10:1-13 Provisions for a King CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 19:1-13, in the things that Samuel said to Saul and in the things that the Lord accomplished for Saul, we see that the Lord provided Saul with everything he needed for his current necessities and for his...

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