Rejoice in Answered Prayer, Jn 16:23-24

Rejoice in Answered Prayer Jn. 16:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus showed us in Jn 16:23-24 that we should rejoice in answered prayer.  Getting a prayer answered is a reason to rejoice.  And notice that Jesus said, “that your joy may be full.”  So, he wasn’t just talking about a...

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A Full House, Lk 14:23

A Full House We preached on Lk 14:16-24, when we decided to have the special Friend Day.  So, we’ll return to this text tonight to glean a nugget of truth regarding the people we invited to be our guests for Friend Day this morning.  Our first point is found in...

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Pray for Others, 1 Sam 12:23

Pray for Others 1 Sam. 12:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As a judge in Israel, Samuel considered the failure to pray for others in Israel a sin.  Samuel said, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you…” [1 Sam 12:23].  Perhaps, it is not...

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Then Will I Hear, 2 Chr 7:14

Then Will I Hear 2 Chr. 7:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have heard much preaching on 2 Chr 7:14.  The part of the verse I like is… then will I hear.  God said that, if they do four things, then will I hear.  The four things are these: humble...

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Confidence in Prayer, 1 Jn 5:14-15

According to 1 Jn 5:14-15, we have confidence in prayer when “we ask anything according to his will”.  We know that “he heareth us”. According to 1 Tim 2:1-4, we know the will of God concerning prayer.  His will is for us to intercede, v.1-3.  His will is for all...

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Prayer Conditions, Jn 16:23-24

Prayer Conditions Jn. 16:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are prayer conditions that must be met before the Lord will answer our prayers according to his promise in Jn 16:23-24.  Promise: God will hear and answer your prayers, 1 John 5:15.  In this lesson, we cover the prayer conditions the Lord...

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Full Joy, Jn 16:23-24

Full Joy Jn. 16: 23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO At times, we experience full joy in our salvation.  This lesson will discuss those times so that you can have full joy.  On a recent Wednesday night, I preached on abundant joy which we get by being saved, being filled with the...

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You Can Count on God, Ps 143:1

There are three characteristics of God in Ps 143:1, that give you confidence when you pray that God will hear and answer your prayer.  Because of these three traits, when you pray, you can count on God.  You can count on God’s: Count on God’s Graciousness v.1 “Hear my prayer,...

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Rejoice Evermore, 1 Thes 5:16

Paul’s specific instruction to Christians in 1 Thes 5:16 is that we “Rejoice evermore.”  Now I, certainly, have not obeyed this command all the time and I’m pretty sure that you haven’t either.  One reason is that we haven’t been doing the things that cause Christians to rejoice.    There...

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When It’s Hard to Pray, Lk 18:18

Lk 18:1-8 is, in part, about what to do when you find it really hard to pray.  Doctrinally we can find where Lk 18:1-8 fits, perfectly.  v.8 says, “when the Son of man cometh”.  So, we’re right before the Second Advent.  This is about God avenging his own elect.  We...

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