I Cannot Away With, Is 1:13

I Cannot Away With Is. 1:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Isaiah 1:13, we read an expression that is not so common today.  The Lord said, regarding Judah’s oblations, incense, new moons and Sabbaths, “I cannot away with.”  At first, the expression on its own doesn’t seem to make much sense. ...

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Truth is Fallen, Is 59:14

Truth is Fallen Is 59:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is 59:14 says, And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.  We have seen this verse fulfilled in our own country.  Except for places like a Bible believing preacher’s pulpit, you will...

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Be Not Troubled, Matt 24:6-8

The Christian life is not trouble free.  Even Jesus was troubled in Jn 11:33 when he saw Mary, Martha and others mourning over the death of Lazarus; in Jn 12:27 when he approached the hour of his death; and in Jn 13:21 when he announced that one of the disciples...

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God Was With Him, Gen 26:28

God Was With Him Gen 26:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO An outstanding testimony of some of the men in the Bible is this one statement, God was with him.  Today, we are going to see what each of the following men was able to accomplish because God was with him.  We...

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Die One, Comin’ Two More, Is 14:29

Years ago, at the ranch, many of the ranch hands were standing around after lunch complaining about the ranch foreman.  One of the hands couldn’t speak English or Spanish well, so he didn’t participate in the discussion.  However, when the complaints died down, he finally spoke.  He said, “Die one,...

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Apostates Versus Good Ministers 1 Tim. 4:1-6

1 Tim 4 1-6 Apostates and Good Ministers CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Tim 4:1-6 Paul compares two different kinds of ministers, those who depart from the faith [1 Tim 4:1] and those who are nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine [1 Tim 4:6].  Those...

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Why Israel Demanded a King, 1 Sam 8:1-22

1 Sam 8:1-22 Why Israel Demanded a King CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 8:1-22, Israel demanded a king because: They didn’t want a judge to judge them anymore – 1 Sam 8:1-3 – They did not want Samuel [1 Sam 7:15].  They did not want Samuel’s sons, either; they...

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The Lions in Daniel’s Den Dan. 6:16-20

The Lion in Daniel’s Den Dan. 6:16,20. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Like Daniel we face lions in our lives.  As 1 Pet 5:8 says, “The devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour.”  Paul said in 2 Tim 4:17, “I was delivered out of the mouth of...

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Apostasy of Man, Rom 1:21-32

Apostasy of Man Rom. 1:21-32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You won’t find a more concise and factual statement regarding the apostasy of man than Rom 1:22-32. This passage of scripture clearly describes the human and the divine reasons for man’s continual moral decay into sin and unrighteousness. The human reasons for...

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