Israel Served False Gods, Jud 10:6-9

Israel Served False Gods Jud 10:6-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jud 10:6-9 Israel served Baalim and the gods of the nations around them.  Interestingly, they were attacked by the same countries whose gods they served.  There are grave national implications to us in the United States concerning this same problem....

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Judgment Against Israel’s Enemies, Ez 25

These prophecies in Ezekiel 25 are God’s judgment against Israel’s enemies. The Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites and Philistines are Israel’s enemies clockwise from the east of the Dead Sea around to the southwest along the Mediterranean coast.  The Ammonites and Moabites are descendants of Lot through incest with his daughters, Gen...

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Prophecies Concerning Israel, Part 3

In the last two Sunday school lessons, we looked at some prophecies concerning Israel that are commonly believed to have been already fulfilled.  These are prophecies that foretell the regathering of Israel, the restoration of the desert, the rebirth of the nation, and so forth.  All of these prophecies, that...

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The Basest of Men Dan. 4:17

The Basest of Men Dan. 4:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You often wonder why the rulers of the various countries of the world do the terrible things that they do.  The reason that rulers often do wicked things is that they are the basest of men.  In Dan 4:17 we read, “…...

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