What Is Wrong With People, Jer 6:10

What Is Wrong With People Jer. 6:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What is wrong with people?  It is not surprising to me that Christians can become backslidden.  I was there myself.  I had gotten horribly backslidden in my twenties.  When the Lord finally caught me and brought me out of all...

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Teach Them the Manner, 2 Ki 17:24-33

Teach Them the Manner 2Ki 17:24-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The king of Assyria conquered Israel and took the inhabitants of the cities of Samaria captive.  He removed them from the land and replaced them with men from other countries [2 Ki 17:24].  These emigrants didn’t know God and they...

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Balanced Preaching Hosea 6:5

Balanced Preaching Hosea 6:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bible preaching needs to be balanced preaching.  Preaching needs to be both positive and negative.  There is a heaven but there is also hell.  There is mercy with God but there is also the wrath of God.  There is righteousness but there is...

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Beware, Beware, Beware, Phil 3:1-3

Philippians 3:1-3 Beware CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Throughout Paul’s letters, you find warnings to watch out for certain people, and oddly, Christians just read right over those verses as if they aren’t even there and go on trusting blindly anybody that says, “I’m a Christian” or anyone who has a fish...

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