Manifesting the Works of God

Manifesting the Works of God Jn.9:1-37 Verses 1-5, imagine yourself as that blind man, hopeless – verse 32 Typology of us being as the blind man lost and without hope Our purpose is to manifest the works of God Do you have a Testimony of the Change? Verses  8-9, People...

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Why They Don’t Get It, Matt 13:9-17

When you think about people’s response to the Bible, do you ever wonder why some people get it and some people don’t.  How is it that two people can sit through the same message and one comes away edified and the other mystified?  One leaves enthused and the other leaves...

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Lift Him Up, Jn 8:28

When Jesus was crucified, very few people who witnessed his crucifixion believed that he was the Son of God, the King of the Jews.  But as they saw him lifted up, some realized that he was, in fact, the King of the Jews.  Like Jesus said in Jn 8:28, “When...

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Grace in the End Times Matt. 24:36-39

Grace in the End Times Matt. 24: 36-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO “Grace in the End Times” Matt.24:36-39 Introduction: • We are living in the “End Times” and should be as the days of Noah. • The Lord’s return – Matt.24:44, “in such an hour as ye think not” • Noah...

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To The Intent Ye May Believe Jn 11:15

To The Intent Ye May Believe Jn 11:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we go through difficult situations in our lives, we must go through them believing what Jesus Christ said.  However, some circumstances can be very difficult.  And we find there are things that inhibit our belief.  Such is the...

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Keep Thy Heart Prov 4:23

Keep Thy Heart Prov. 4: 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Solomon said, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”  An issue is “something coming forth from a specified source,” (Merriam Webster Dictionary).  So, the heart is the source of things concerning life.  To...

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Your Faith Groweth Exceedingly II Thess. 1:3

Your Faith Groweth Exceedingly II Thess. 1:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your faith, from the time you are saved until the time you die, should grow.  In this text, the faith of the Thessalonians grew exceedingly.  How does faith grow exceedingly? It starts with faith in Christ – 2 Tim 3:15;...

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What to do with the Word of God Is. 34:16

What to do with the Word of God Is. 34:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible, we find simple instructions on what to do with the word of God.  Now, do what it says. Read the word of God – Is 34:16 – read the Bible daily.  The Bereans “searched...

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Show Yourself Friendly Prov. 18:24

Show Yourself Friendly Prov. 18:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that Jesus is the friend that sticketh closer than a brother [Prov 18:24].  He is the friend that loveth at all times [Prov 17:17].  Therefore, we must show ourselves friendly.  So, how do you show yourself friendly?  You show yourself...

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Write The Vision Hab. 2:1-4

Write the Vision Hab. 2:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Write the vision.  Habakkuk writes a vision at the instruction of the Lord – it is true but it will only be fulfilled partially in their days – it will be fulfilled in the end – thus people will not believe it...

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