Get It Out of Your Life Ps 66:18-20

Get It Out of Your Life Ps. 66: 18-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have been praying, you have been reading your Bible, and you have been faithfully attending church.  Yet, you know that there is something not quite right in your life.  It could be that there is something in...

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Good Success Jos 1:8

Good Success Jos 1: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The way to be prosperous and have good success is found in Jos 1:8.  Before we expound this text, though, we need to consider some ways that men and women try to have success but fail. You will never be a success:...

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Effectual Words of God 1 Thes. 2:13

18-04-29 1 Thes 2 13 Effectual Words of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to 1 Thes 2:13, for the words of God to work effectually in you, there are three things that you must do.  And these things work in connection with each other.  In other words, if you...

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David Was Greatly Distressed 1 Sam 30:1-10

David Was Greatly Distressed 1 Sam. 30 :1-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When David went to the Philistines to get away from Saul’s constant attempts to kill him, he allied himself with Achish.  Achish gave him and his men Ziklag as their city to dwell in.  After nearly one and a...

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Essentials of Spiritual Growth 1 Peter 2:2

Essentials of Spiritual Growth 1 Peter 2:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon should help you with your spiritual growth, whether you have already grown some or you are newly saved. We receive missionary prayer requests every month in which we are asked to pray for the spiritual growth of their...

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What to do with the Word of God Is. 34:16

What to do with the Word of God Is. 34:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible, we find simple instructions on what to do with the word of God.  Now, do what it says. Read the word of God – Is 34:16 – read the Bible daily.  The Bereans “searched...

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Open My Eyes Ps.119:18

Open My Eyes Ps. 119:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Psalmist prayed to the Lord, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.”  That’s an excellent prayer.  You should pray, Lord, open my eyes, when you read your Bible.  When the Lord opens your...

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Centered and Balanced Life

Maintaining Your Balance in Life Prov. 11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon on the centered and balanced life is going to be much easier to follow by listening to the audio than it is by reading the notes.  The notes are more of an outline for the sermon than they...

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Choices in Life Job 34: 4

Choices in Life Job 34: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Elihu said, “Let us choose to us judgment: let us know among ourselves what is good.”  We constantly make choices in life – today we’re going to talk about some simple ways to make choices in life so that the process...

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