How to Study the Bible

How to Study the Bible (Part 3) 2 Timothy 2:15 In the second lesson of this series we focused on the Holy Spirit being the interpreter of God’s word. The Holy Spirit as the interpreter of God’s word show us the true meaning of God’s word by comparing spiritual things...

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How to Study the Bible (Part 2)

How to Study the Bible (Part 2) 2 Timothy 2:15 In the first part of this series we saw that the first step toward studying and learning the word of God was to consistently read the word of God. Once we have a regular pattern of getting the word of...

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How to Study the Bible (Part 1)

How to Study the Bible (Part 1) 2 Timothy 2:15 Here we see a command for us in regard to studying the Bible. Studying the Bible should be one of our greatest passions as children of God, but for many it not such an easy task. In these lesson we...

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Understanding Your Bible, Luke 10:21

Understanding Your Bible Lk 10:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People often ask for help in understanding their Bible.  Here are a few things that will help you in understanding your Bible.  Understanding your Bible: Doesn’t take intelligence – Lk 10:21; 1 Cor 1:26-27; Lk 2:46-47.  Jesus Christ was only 12 years...

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Local Church Activities, Eph 3:21

Local Church Activities Eph. 3:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are three main local church activities in which every church should be involved.  And these three should be balanced.  Every true local church should glorify God, edify saints and evangelize sinners. Glorify God – Eph 3:20-21; Rom 15:6 This primarily...

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Bible Understanding, 1 Jn 2:27

Bible Understanding 1 Jn. 2:27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bible understanding is the result of praying, reading, believing, doing, studying, trusting, and simplifying.  Trust the Holy Spirit to teach you. Recently we have been asked this same question by two different people.  They want to know how to understand what...

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Repetition is A Good Teacher, Is 28:9-10

This lesson is going to show you that repetition is a god teacher. The Lord wants to teach you knowledge and he wants you to understand doctrine.  Notice whom he teaches in Is 28:9.  He teaches babes just weaned.  That’s what we are when we first get saved. 1 Pet...

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Perceive the Words, Prov 1:2

Prov 1:2 says, “to perceive the words of understanding.”  In Bible study, you certainly want to be able to perceive what the Bible says.  When you perceive the words, you “see” them.  You can say, “I get it.”  You can “make out” what God said.  This broadcast is on how...

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Abound in Diligence, 2 Cor 8:7

When Paul wrote the Corinthians about their offering for the poor saints in Jerusalem, he complimented them on abounding in some wonderful things he could see in the congregation.  From what he wrote, we see our own need to abound in diligence. In 2 Cor 8:7, they abounded in faith...

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The Word of Christ and Singing, Col 3:16

In Col 3:16, Paul wrote about the word of Christ and singing.  In this verse, he gave us clear instructions on what to do with both of these.  What to do with: The word of Christ – notice that Paul wrote “the word of Christ.”  In the Godhead, Jesus Christ...

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