What to do with the Word of God Is. 34:16

What to do with the Word of God Is. 34:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible, we find simple instructions on what to do with the word of God.  Now, do what it says. Read the word of God – Is 34:16 – read the Bible daily.  The Bereans “searched...

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The Covenant with Moses Ex. 19-20

The Covenant with Moses Ex.19-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To rightly divide the word of truth [2 Tim 2:15] we are studying the covenants of the Bible.  Today, we are studying the covenant with Moses.  God instituted the covenant with Moses on Mt. Sinai when the Jews were in the wilderness...

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What the Bible Does in You 1 Peter1:23

What the Bible Does in You 1 Peter1:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have seen what we are to do with the Bible but have you ever thought about what the Bible does in you?  The Bible is a unique book in that, as you read it, it changes your...

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What to Do with Your Bible Gen.1:1

What to Do with Your Bible Gen.1:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Beginning with the first page of your Bible as you read, in chronological order, you begin to see exactly what to do with your Bible.  You need to: Believe the Bible – Gen 1:1 – God created the heaven and...

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Finding the Knowledge of God Prov. 2:1-6

Finding the Knowledge of God Prov. 2:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many people get saved and then they stagnate.  The reason is that they don’t find the knowledge of God.  In other words, they know Jesus as their Saviour but that’s all they know.  We say, “Read your Bible and come...

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What To Do With Your Bible Is. 34:16

What To Do With Your Bible Is. 34:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a practical lesson that deals with one of the most basic aspects of our Christian lives, our Bibles.  This lesson is akin to a soldier going through basic training and learning about what to do with his...

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Search Out A Matter Prov. 25: 2-3

Search Out A Matter Prov. 25:2-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The honour of kings is to search out a matter.  We will be kings and priests unto God during the millennial reign of Jesus – Rev 1:5-6.  Therefore we have the responsibility to search out matters – but we have to...

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Don’t Sell Out Prov. 23: 23

Don’t Sell Out Prov. 23 :23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse shows you two things about the truth – it’s going to cost you something to get it and once you get it you do not want to sell it – other investments are often bought and held for a...

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A Student of the Bible Prov. 22: 17-21

A Student of the Bible Prov. 22:17-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Every pastor and teacher of God’s words, the pastor of a church, a Sunday school teacher, the teacher of a Bible study, an itinerate preacher, a missionary or an evangelist should follow these verses – they explain his relationship to...

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Without Knowledge Prov. 19: 2

Without Knowledge Prov. 19: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have to learn some things – if you are all the time running around hasting with your feet you will never settle down long enough to read and study – you must take time to think, meditate and read.  It is...

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