The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:30-35

The Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Good Samaritan is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, notice the particulars in this story that show you what the Lord does for a lost soul. He saved him – the Good Samaritan did what the religious crowd...

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Sarah Typifies Mary, Gen 17:19

Sarah Typifies Mary We can learn much from studying the Old Testament characters and their similarities to people in the New Testament.  Sarah typifies Mary.  This should help someone reading the Bible to realize that the author of the Old Testament and the New Testament is the same person.  Men...

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Abraham Typifies a Christian, Rom 4:1-13

This is a lesson on Abraham as a type of New Testament Christian.  Abraham typifies a Christian.  Before we get into this study, though, I refer you to two studies on Rom 4 taught in Sunday school.  They are the lesson on Imputed Righteousness and the lesson on Comparing Abraham’s...

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Noahs Ark a Type of Christ, Heb 11:7

In Heb 11:7, Noahs ark is a type of Christ and typifies our salvation and relationship to Christ. Here are some of the ways Noahs ark is a type of Christ: It was made of wood – Gen 6:14. The Lord said, “Make thee an ark of gopher wood”. Living...

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Flourish Like the Palm Tree

Now that you are saved you are righteous – so as a righteous saint of God you are to flourish like the palm tree – why would the Lord compare you to a palm tree? And what can we learn from our comparison to a palm tree that might help...

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Genesis 4:8-15 Cain’s Curse

Genesis 4:8-15 Cain’s Curse CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Cain represents the attitude of a self-righteous sinner, who will not trust the Lord Jesus Christ, toward saved sinners, who have trusted Jesus and not their own righteousness. He also pictures the Jews. Cain – The Self-righteous Sinner 1. He was a...

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Genesis 2:15-17 Two Trees in the Garden

Genesis 2:15-17 Two Trees in the Garden CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When God planted the Garden of Eden, he specified two trees of particular importance: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat of the tree of...

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Genesis 2:18-25 Eve

Genesis 2:18-25 Eve CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO ANIMALS FORMED AND NAMED God formed the beasts and fowl from the ground, just like he formed Adam. Adam then named them, but none was a suitable match for him. So, God made “a woman” for him, not another man. Thus, bestiality and...

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Genesis 1:14-19 Two Great Lights

These verses show that the sun and the moon were created to give light to the earth, to divide the light from the darkness, and to provide signs, seasons and measurements for time. From the sun and the moon, we get signs for planting, surgery, weather, fishing, hunting, etc., and...

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