Looking For That Blessed Hope, Titus 2:13

Looking For That Blessed Hope Titus 2:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People still ask, “Do you think the Lord is coming soon?” My standard reply is that Bible believers in every generation have seen enough evidence in their lifetimes to believe that the Lord was going to return during their...

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Mountain Top Experiences, Lk 23:33

Mountain Top Experiences Lk. 23:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all go through trials and temptations in the valleys of life.  But there are certainly some wonderful mountain top experiences, as well.  Today we are going to look at some of these mountain top experiences in hopes that you will...

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Rejoicing in Hope, Rom 12:12

Rejoicing in Hope Rom. 12:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 12:12 Paul said that we should be rejoicing in hope. When you lose hope, you will sink in despair.  So, today we will see where you find hope so that you can be rejoicing in hope and not wallowing in...

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Ready to Meet the Lord, Matt 24:44

In the last two weeks, we have seen the need to be ready to preach and to be ready for action.  To be ready to preach, we must first be ready to listen and ready to answer.  To be ready for action, we must be ready to pray, to give...

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Abundant Hope Rom. 15:13

Abundant Hope Rom. 15:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO With our abundant life in Christ we are also given abundant hope.  This is not a hope that is based on a chance.  This is hope established on the words of God.  We have abundant hope: In eternal life – Titus 1:2 –...

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The Assurance of the Rapture 1John 3:1-3

The Assurance of the Rapture 1John 3:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I was just thinking how important it is for us to be reminded of the rapture.  Because of the assurance of the rapture, we know that Jesus is coming but we often get our minds off this fact.  So, it’s...

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