The Light of the World

The Light of the World CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What we see about the blind man when he met Jesus, the Light of the world, is his: Blindness – v.1 – his blindness was upon him not because of sin but to reveal the works of Jesus, the light of the...

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The Light of the World, Jn 9:1-7

The Light of the World John 9:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This chapter is about Jesus healing a blind man and the reaction of the Pharisees who hated Jesus. The man was born blind, so his blindness was not the result of any sin he himself committed. Not all illness is...

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Isaiah 6:2-13 Isaiah’s Commission

Isaiah’s Commission Is. 6: 1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah’s Commission Here is a good outline of this portion of Isaiah 6 along with some general comments to go along with the audio recording of this lesson. God revealed himself to Isaiah – v.1-4 – Last week we learned that Isaiah...

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Mathews 23:16-33 The Blind Pharisees

The Pharisees were blinded to the truth by their self-righteousness, their traditions and their misunderstanding of the law.  They failed to see that the man preaching to them was their Messiah.  They failed to perceive their hypocrisy.  They thought they were so pure and yet they were bloody killers.  Yet,...

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