What You Need Eph. 6:19-24

Ephesians 6:19-24 What You Need CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO YOU NEED BOLDNESS – Paul said Pray for boldness You need to be bold Acts 4:29-31 I Cor 16:9, great door, many adversaries Lacking today – not bold enough to just lay it out there, smooth talking I Cor 2:4-5 Not praying for...

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Prayer for Souls Matt. 9:35-38

Pray for Souls Matt. 9:35-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have seen, concerning the work of witnessing to the lost, that there is a great necessity for the work to be done and to be done properly.  Thus, we see that this great work requires prayer for souls.  This is one...

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Pauls Desire to Preach at Rome, Rom 1:8-17

Paul’s Desire to Preach at Rome Rom.1:8-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 1:8-17 we see Pauls desire to preach at Rome.  He had been praying for them for quite some time and hoped that through preaching the gospel he might establish their faith in Christ and have some fruit among...

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Prayer Before a Conference Eph. 3:20-21

Prayer Before a Conference Eph.3:20-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As we get ready for our two upcoming conferences here, we need to know about prayer before a conference.  Dr. Sam Gipp will be preaching January 31 through February 3, 2016.  And then Pastor Joel Logan will be preaching our missions conference...

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The Righteous are Bold as a Lion Prov. 28: 1

The Righteous are Bold as a Lion Prov. 28: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says that the righteous are bold as a lion – when you got saved you became righteous in Jesus Christ – and the only thing that can set you back is piling up sins in...

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Filled with the Spirit

Be Filled With The Spirit of God Ephesians 5:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Eph 5:18, we find that to be filled with the Spirit is an imperative.  So, if you are not filled with the Spirit then you are not doing what the Lord told you to do.  The question...

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