Broken For You, 1 Cor 11:24

Broken For You When you go back and look at the gospel accounts of the Lord’s Supper, you don’t find a reference to Jesus saying that his body was broken.  Matt 26:26 says, “Take, eat; this is my body.”  Mk 14:22 says, “Take, eat: this is my body.”  Lk 22:19...

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The Principle of Sowing, 2 Cor 9:6-11

There is a principle of sowing, firmly established in the Bible.  Certainly, we see this principle of sowing in nature and it was clearly understood in rural societies.  Families that have to farm to produce their food understand the principle of sowing.  Each seed that you plant produces many seeds,...

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The Bread of Life, Jn 6:35-63

The Bread of Life Jn. 6:35-63 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many who are confused about eating the bread of life.  They believe that eating the Eucharist is receiving Jesus Christ.  This confusion arises from a misunderstanding of Jn 6:35-63.  So, we will study this passage to clear up...

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Holy Crown of Gold, Ex 39:30-31

There are four things associated with the tabernacle that had a crown of gold.  The interesting thing about the crown of gold on each of these is that they are all representations of Jesus Christ. Ex 39:30-31, the priest that ministers to the Lord was to have a crown of...

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The Sign of the Siege and Famine, Ezek 4:1-17

In Ezekiel 4, Ezekiel gives two signs to Israel and Judah about the coming sieges of both countries and the consequent famines.   The sign of the siege – Ezek 4:1-8 – Ezekiel is instructed to portray Jerusalem on a tile.  This would have been a clay tile, upon which he...

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Three Loaves Lk 11:1-13

Three Loaves Luke 11: 1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I heard a sermon at a conference preached by Pastor Doug Fisher.  I’m not going to preach his message but I want to acknowledge that the thought for this sermon came from his and incorporates some of what he preached.  I’m giving...

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Wine, Oil and Bread Ps 104:15

Wine Oil Bread Ps. 104: 13-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 104:15 we see that God brings forth out of the earth wine, oil and bread.  Wine makes your heart glad, oil makes your face shine and bread strengthens your heart.  These three things also typify spiritual objects which are...

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Great is Thy Faith Heb. 11:1

Great is Thy Faith Heb11:1  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A gentile woman of Canaan came to Jesus asking him to cast a devil out of her daughter.  Of her he said, Great is thy faith.  What was it that was so great about her faith and how did she, as a...

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