Full, Gen 6:11

There is a pattern in the Bible that sheds light on the future of nations in the world.  God gives people and nations time to repent until their wickedness is full, and then he destroys them, when there is no more hope for their repentance.  Notice: The world in Noah’s...

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Lessons From Canaan, Lev 25:23

I heard a man accuse God because of what Israel did to the inhabitants of Canaan when they entered the promised land. If you happen to agree with this fellow, you might want to consider a few things before you, too, accuse God of wrongdoing.   The land of Canaan...

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Israel’s Failure in Canaan, Num 32:10-12

When Israel had the opportunity to enter Canaan the first time, they encountered some problems that set them back and caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty years.  Then when they finally made it into the land, they encountered a couple more problems that caused them unnecessary grief...

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Conquering Canaan Deut. 10, Joshua 23

Conquering Canaan Deut. 10, Joshua 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When God instructed Israel to go in and possess the land [Deut 10:8-11] he gave them five things to do so that God could drive out the inhabitants of the land.  He told them to fear the Lord, walk in his...

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