Spiritual Prepping, Ps 33:18-19

Spiritual Prepping These days you hear more and more about people being encouraged to stock up on food and other necessities in advance of the anticipated “crash”.  It is not uncommon, in a presidential election year, for people to “fear the worst” if the incumbent is not reelected.  I’ve heard...

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Paul’s confidence in Timothy

Philippians 2:19-24 “To send Timotheus shortly unto you”. Introduction: Although Paul was in prison because of the Gospel of Christ, Paul is deeply concerned about the Philippian church and its believers. Paul wants to know their state, their condition, he wants to care for them, however he cannot do so personally....

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The Lord’s Compassion, Ps 86:15

Ps 86:15 But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. Today we are going to discuss the Lord’s compassion. God is full of compassion.  He sent his Son to die for us.  And he is not willing that any...

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Pastor John Robinson – Things That Are Wanting, Titus 1:5

Pastor John Robinson preached from Titus 1:5 on things that are wanting or lacking in churches toward missions.  Ecc 1:15 says, “that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”  There is no want of lost souls and needy people, and there is no want of technology, transportation, communication, or money to...

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Feed the Flock and Humble Yourselves, 1 Pet 5:1-7

We are studying 1 Pet 5:1-7 in this lesson.  1 Pet 5:1-4 contain some instructions to pastors.  1 Pet 5:5-7 contain an exhortation to Christians to be humble. Instructions to pastors. Elders, in this passage, are pastors – 1 Pet 5:1 – as in Acts 14:23; 20:17; 20:28.  The term,...

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God’s Providence

God’s Providence Prov.16:9 God’s providence is the care and superintendence which he exercises over his creatures. [Matt.28:20] “I am with you always”, God is directing your steps. We need to be more aware of the fact that God is caring for us 24/7, [1Pet.5:7] and the providence of God is...

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Take Care Of Him Lk 10:25-37

Take Care Of Him Lk 10: 25-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This story of the Good Samaritan is often told to show what Jesus has done for us to save us.  It provides a text for a good salvation message.  Notice these great truths: The man was half dead – Lk...

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Reaching Lost Acquaintances Mk 5:19

Reaching Lost Acquaintances Mk 5:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all have lost acquaintances, whether they are family, neighbors, co-workers or the like.  And we all have a desire to reach them with the gospel.  So, here is the way, I believe, that the Lord would have us, as members of...

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The Right Response to Afflictions 1 Pet 5:5-10

The Right Response to Afflictions  1 Peter 5:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many of us are going through or have gone through afflictions.  Notice in 1 Pet 5:9 the mention of the afflictions that are accomplished in your brethren.  In 1 Pet 5:5-10 we find the right response to afflictions. Humble...

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