Babes in Christ, 1 Pet 2:2

Babes in Christ 1 Pet 2: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Babes in Christ may be babes because they have only recently been saved.  Yet, they could be babes because they are carnal.  That is, they live their life in Christ in the flesh instead of in the Spirit. From the...

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Christians Who Don’t Please God

Christians Who Don’t Please God Rom 8: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR  AUDIO God has given us clear doctrine in the Bible concerning what pleases him.  We covered four of these things in a sermon entitled Ye Ought to Please God.  Gospel preaching, obedience, faith, and spiritual sacrifices please the Lord.  Today,...

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Carnal Spirituality, Jn 3:6

Carnal Spirituality Jn 3:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your flesh and your spirit are two entirely different and distinct parts of your being. Your flesh had its natural birth from your biological mother and father.  Your spirit had its supernatural birth from the Spirit of God.  When you die, your flesh...

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What Stirs Up Strife Prov. 28:25

What Stirs Up Strife Prov. 28:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you are striving with someone there is a root cause for the strife.  You can usually point to some of the contributing elements of the strife, but it is hard to get down to the root cause.  Generally, two people...

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Lot the Carnal Christian, Gen 13:10

Lot the Carnal Christian Gen. 13:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lot the carnal Christian.  Lot is the perfect picture of a carnal Christian.  Like a carnal Christian, Lot: Walked by sight.  Gen 13:10 he lifted up his eyes and chose the plain of Jordan.  2 Cor 5:7 Walked according to the course...

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The Course of this World, Eph 2:2

The Course of this World Eph. 2:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before we were saved, we walked according to the course of this world.  Now that we are saved, we are to walk contrary to the world.  However, many Christians don’t understand the difference.  In other words, they get saved...

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A One-sided Relationship, Eph 4:17-24

When you have a one-sided relationship with the Lord, the relationship is all about you.  This is the case with many Christians.  It’s about how they feel, what they want, what they think is right, what they think is best for them.  It’s not about the life of God or...

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Lovers of Pleasures 2 Tim 3:4

Lovers of Pleasures II Tim. 3: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The trouble with people in these last days of perilous times is that they love pleasure [2 Tim 3:4].  They are pleasure seekers.  So, it’s easy for them to get into sin because of its pleasures [Titus 3:3].  They know...

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Babes in Christ I Cor. 3:1

Babes in Christ I Cor. 3:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul wrote to the Corinthians and called them babes in Christ. That is derogatory because they couldn’t tolerate meat – he had to still feed them with milk when they should have been grown enough to handle meat.  The truth is...

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Why Christians Fall Eph. 4:11-32

Why Christians Fall CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often wonder why Christians fall.  There are numerous reasons found throughout the Bible.  However, in is text we find four of the most common reasons.  Rather than preach this text to simply answer the question why Christians fall, we will preach this passage...

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