Manly Leadership, 1 Cor 11:1-3

Manly Leadership 1 Cor.11:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Manliness is so downplayed in our society today that we need to preach on manly leadership today to counter the feminization that is taking place among men.  You need to be a man who can be used by the Lord to lead. A...

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What To Know To Grow, Ps 139:23-24

What To Know In Order To Grow Ps. 139: 23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What to Know to Grow Some Christians lives are stunted.  They want to grow but they don’t seem to be growing.  Thus, they live frustrated lives because it doesn’t seem possible that they will ever grow...

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David’s Character, 1 Sam 16:18

1 Sam 16:18 David’s Character CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage of scripture, we see some of David’s traits that reveal the composition and depth of his character.  David was: An Astute Man – cunning in playing.  It is more than talent that gave David the ability to play...

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Thou Art But a Youth, 1 Sam 17:33

Thou Art But a Youth 1 Sam. 17:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul’s concern about David accepting Goliath’s challenge was that David was a youth.  But David’s age was of no consequence in the fight because he had prepared himself as a young man to do a grown man’s job.  He...

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Saul’s Spiritual Character Flaws, 1 Sam 13:11-16

1 Sam 13:11-16 Saul’s Spiritual Character Flaws CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul did something very foolish when he offered a burnt offering.  His foolish decision revealed some spiritual flaws in his character that plagued him for the rest of his life.  These flaws were that: He knew what he was doing was...

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A Virtuous Woman, Prov 31:10-31

A virtuous woman is known by: Her excellent character – Prov 31:10, 29 – she is virtuous.  She is moral and chaste, and these give her power.  Jesus had the power to heal.  When he healed the woman in  Mk 5:30, he knew in himself that virtue had gone out...

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Two Sides to Every Coin, 1 Sam 16:7

Two Sides to Every Coin 1 Sam. 16:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord said to Samuel in 1 Sam 16:7, “Look not on his countenance…” We have a tendency to make judgments about people based upon what we see and hear.  The Lord said he doesn’t look on the outward...

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Moral Character, Job 2:3-9

Moral Character Job 2:3-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Among Christians there is a tendency to relegate moral character to spirituality.  As a result, many of the problems that you have experienced in your life could have been avoided altogether if your moral character were stronger.  But since you see every problem...

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