Character Check

 Character Check  (Proverbs 6:1-11) In this lesson on character, we are going to use the first eleven verses of Proverbs chapter 6 to see what condition our character is in. In this passage we will see that poor character traits are revealed two ways. The first one is through no...

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A Man Void of Understanding, Prov 7:6-10

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In the Proverbs, we find the expression, “void of understanding” five times.  Studying the references containing this phrase is interesting and very instructive. So, in this sermon, we’ll look at these verses in their context and see what we can...

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Effectual Working Requires Serving, Col 3:22-25

We’ve been preaching on effectual working.  First, we discussed that effectual working requires learning.  You must learn to hear God, to fear God, to obey God, and to know God.  Then we discussed that effectual working requires training.  Those of us who can train others must train them by example,...

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Seven Elements of Christian Character, Eph 5:15-21

There are seven key elements of Christian character found in Eph 5:15-21.  These are not all the qualities of Christian character.  But these are certainly seven of the most essential. If you are missing any of these in your life, you are going to struggle in some areas of your...

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Benefits of Life’s Difficulties, Ps 18:1-6

Have you ever noticed that when most people encounter something challenging they fold?  We are a generation of moral and spiritual weaklings. Trouble usually elicits complaints from us.  People whine and fuss when things are tough.  Life’s difficulties don’t go away just because you don’t like them.  What we need...

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Character Test From Proverbs

Character Test From Proverbs  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Proverbs Chapter one there are four types of people listed, the wise, the simple, the scorner and the fool. These same four people are mentioned all throughout the book of Proverbs. In this lesson we are going to let the word of...

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The Character of Abigail, 1 Sam 25:1-31

1 Sam 25:1-31 The Character of Abigail CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Abigail is a wonderful woman and her character is the kind that should be emulated by women and desired by men.  The character of Abigail is seen in her: Understanding – 1 Sam 25:3 – this is best demonstrated in...

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Desirable Qualities in Ruth, Ruth 2:18-23

Ruth 2:18-23 Desirable Qualities in Ruth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ruth 2:18-23, there were desirable qualities in Ruth that should be in young women today.  They are: Her Diligence – she gleaned all day [1:7] Her Generosity – she “gave” to her mother-in-law [v.18] Her Faith – she trusted in the...

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