A Good Name Proverbs 22:1

A Good Name Proverbs 22:1   [Proverbs 22:1]  A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.     [Ecclesiastes 7:1]  A good name is better than precious ointment; We honor people by naming things after them, towns, streets, kids. [Gen.4:17] Charles...

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The Character of Job

Job 1:1 Outstanding Characteristics of Job CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Job was perfect and upright and he feared God and eschewed evil – these four characteristics should be in us as God’s children – these things were said of Job three times (v.8, v.2:2-3) – there was none like him in the earth...

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The Outward Appearance, 1 Sam 16:7

1 Sam 16:7 The Outward Appearance CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Men judge based on the appearance – that is why we are to abstain from all appearance of evil 1 Thes 5:22 – that is why marketing involves appealing pictures [and why Israel was told to destroy the pictures Num 33:52]...

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Followship, 1 Sam 14:6-14

1 Sam 14:6-14 Followship CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Followship is a word that we coined for this radio broadcast.  Christians love fellowship, but what we really need today is “followship.”  That’s the ability to follow the lead of a good man in the ministry.  The world knows all about peer pressure...

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