Then Shall they Fast, Mk 2:18-20

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In Mk 2:18-20 Jesus replied to a question about fasting with, “But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.”  Jesus is the bridegroom; the church is...

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Obedient Children, Eph 6:1-4

In Eph 6:1-4 we will study God’s command to children that they obey their parents.   Children, you are to obey your parents three ways. Obey your parents in the Lord – Eph 6:1 – this command to children is in the context of commands to husbands and wives, Eph...

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Be No More Children, Eph 4:13-16

In Eph 4:13-16 Paul explains what is supposed to happen with the members of the body of Christ as a result of the three things in Eph 4:12.  The body of Christ, by design, will be a perfect man and will come to the measure of the stature of the...

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Rule or Be Ruled, Gen 4:7

Rule or be ruled.  You and I have been commanded to rule certain people and things in our lives.  If we don’t rule these people and things, they will rule us. God rules over everything.  Ps 103:19, The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth...

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The Floods Overflow Me, Ps 69:2

The companion passage to our text in Ps 69:2 is Jer 46:7-8.  We’ll read both passages. In Jer 46:7-8 we see Egypt depicted as a flood determined to flood the earth.  This flood represents the armies of Egypt that have attacked Nebuchadnezzar, trying to destroy Babylon.  Oftentimes in the Bible...

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Why Children Dishonor Their Fathers Prov 30:11

Why Children Dishonor Their Fathers Prov. 30: 11. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Father’s Day.  It is more common today for children to dishonor their fathers than in prior generations in our country [Prov 30:11].  We see that this is a worldwide problem.  Before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, according...

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The Kingdom of God is Within You Lk 17:20-21

The Kingdom of God is Within You Luke 17: 20-21CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you trust Jesus Christ to save you, you are born again.  When you are born again, you enter the Kingdom of God [Jn 3:3-7].  This kingdom is within you [Lk 17:20-21].  Phil 2:12-13 God is working...

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A Distorted View Matt 13:13-16

A Distorted View Matt. 13: 13-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is common for people to have a distorted view of reality.  Their perception results in a: Distorted view of God – Matt 13:13-16 -Jesus said he that hath seen me hath seen the Father.  They were looking at God manifest...

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Rearing Children Ps 127:3

Rearing Children Ps. 127: 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ps 127:3 – Children are an heritage of the Lord.  Therefore, rear them for the Lord.  To “rear” is to raise them upright; to bring them to maturity through nurturing care.  Pray for them.  Emphasize being good more than doing good. Train...

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Biblical Seven Stages of Man

Biblical Seven Stages of Man Luke 2:12 Thank God that there is still one time of year where the world is urged to look at the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in the manger. If your Christmas has anything to do with the savior, then you know the true...

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