A Heart for Children Mal. 4:6

A Heart for Children Mal. 4:6 In Mal 4:6, Elijah returns before the second coming of Jesus to turn the heart of the fathers to the children.  A heart for children is characterized by: Instructing — Prov 4:1— to instruct is to communicate knowledge; to teach.  Prov 5:7 says, “Hear...

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Stand With God Gen. 3:6

Stand with God Gen. 3:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To be highly functional in your family relationships, your work associations, your church fellowship and your friendships, you must stand with God.  That way, when something becomes too emotional, too personal, or too subjective, you can step back and go with God’s...

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Authorities In Your Life Gen 41:37-40

Authority Gen 41:37-40 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO All men and women are under authority and there are good consequences for yielding or bad consequences for disobeying the authorities in our lives. When Joseph was promoted to “rule” in Egypt, he was still under authority [Gen 41:40-41].  He was set over all...

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Keep Them Together Eph. 4:4

Keep Them Together Eph. 4:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus keeps things together that the devil wants to divide.  Three principle things that the Lord wants to keep together are the body of Christ, the local church and husbands and wives. We have to be aware that the Lord wants to...

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Fathers Bring Them Up Eph.6:4

Ephesians 6:4 Fathers Bring Them Up CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Fathers have the duty of seeing to the spiritual nurturing of their children.  Trouble with broken homes is that dad is not there.  He gets the kids ½ of the time or less.  What if the step dad is home with...

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Children Obey Your Parents Eph.6:1-3

Ephesians 6:1-3 Children Obey Your Parents CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul gives great advice on family relations.  The exhortation is to fathers and children – the obedience and honor is to Mom and Dad.  Often dads leave the spiritual training to mom – Big mistake.  It is the dad’s responsibility.  Ok,...

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Children Ministry Mk 10:14

Children Ministry Mk 10:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Children’s ministries are vital to the ministry of a local church.  Men and women who work with children are a blessing to the Lord and to the church.  Sometimes youth workers get the idea that they are just glorified babysitters or that they...

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Raising Children of God 1 John 3:10

Raising Children of God 1 John 3:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you decide to have children you must remember the responsibility you assume.  You are charged with the task of rearing a child of God, not just a child.  So, often I have heard parents rejoice to tell others that...

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Good and Bad Siblings Gen. 4:1-8

Good & Bad Siblings Gen. 4:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why do some children raised in good homes turn out well and some turn out so poorly? We’ll attempt to discover what causes good and bad siblings by examining some families in the Bible. Whether a sibling turns out well or...

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Satan’s Devices II Cor. 2:11

Satan’s Devices II Cor. 2:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When our soldiers fought in WWII one of the problems with the infantry is that we didn’t train them to understand the enemy and his tactics. There was too much training on discipline, close-order drills, inspections and the like.  Those are not...

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