Parents and Children Mal. 4:5-6

Parents & Children Mal. 4:5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Youth work involves working with parents and children. The reason is that parents have the greatest influence over their children’s: Hearts – Mal 4:6 – fathers need to love their children – fathers must turn their hearts to their children in hopes...

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Godly versus Worldly Education

Parents are Responsible for their Children’s Education Neither the government, the church, the youth pastor, the sunday school teacher, or the pastor are responsible for your child’s education.  Parents suffer the consequences of a foolish child and reap the benefits of a wise one.  The responsibility is the parents and...

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A Virtuous Woman and Her Children Prov. 31: 10-31

A Virtuous Woman & Her Children Prov. 31: 10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We live in a generation of children that are going further and further from the Lord and you hear many reasons for it: government schools, evolution, weaker churches, the influence of music and movies, and so forth. ...

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Training Children (Part 3)

Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:2-3 This is the final part in the series on Training Children.  We’re covering three duties of children and how we as parents enforce these duties.  Children are told to Hear their parents, Obey their parents, and Honor their parents.  Training is more than teaching.  Training is...

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Training Children (Part 2)

Ephesians 6:1-3 When it comes to training children the second on our list of things God requires of children is obedience to their parents.  You may ask why are we teaching parents a commandment children are required to heed.  Well, it’s like doggy obedience school, training the dog is more...

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Training Children (Part 1)

Proverbs 1:8, Ephesians 6:1-2 Proverbs is a book about training children.  There is not another book like it in the Bible that begins with the words of a father and ends with the words of a mother.  Proverbs contains principles of wise living.  God’s curriculum for children is superior to...

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Cursing Your Parents Prov. 20: 20

Cursing Mom & Dad Prov. 20:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Instead of cursing your parents, you should follow what the Bible says.  The Bible gives you clear instructions about your relationship with mom and dad.  Moms and Dads have a good list of what the Lord expects from their children. Your...

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Even a Child Prov. 20: 11

Even a Child Prov. 20:11  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You can certainly tell whether a man’s work is pure and right by simply examining it – and his work tells an awful lot about his character.  Even a child is known by his doings.  A man that is lazy will...

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Children as Arrows

Psalms 127 Everything done to an arrow is done so that it will fly right when it is let go.  Arrows are proven when they are let go.  Arrows achieve their purpose when they are let go.  Until that moment though, there is much preparation that goes into the making...

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Spare the Rod Spoil the Child Prov. 13: 24

Correct Thy Son Prov. 13:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse is where spare the rod spoil the child comes from. The source of discipline is from God – Heb 12:5-11 discipline comes from the Lord. Prov 13:24  He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him...

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