Five Excuses For Not Turning, Prov 1:22-23

There is an amazingly generous offer in Prov 1:22-23.  Wisdom offers to the simple, to scorners, and to fools to “pour out my spirit unto you,” and to “make known my words unto you.”  God makes this offer, not to the righteous, but to fools and scorners.  The offer is...

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Choose You This Day, Jos 24:14-15

In Jos 24:14-15, at the end of Joshua’s life, he charged Israel with one final command.  He commanded them to choose this day whom they would serve. He said to Israel: Fear the Lord.  If you had a dad or a boss or a commander that you feared, you did...

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Discernment 1Tim. 2:13-14

Discernment 1 Tim. 2: 13-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Discernment Discernment is the ability to know or understand the difference between two or more things. As Christians we need to be able to discern good from evil, and right from wrong. A man once said, “The first great rule in life is...

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Never Do This Gen 3:6

Never Do This Gen. 3:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Never force your husband to choose between you and God – Gen 3:6; 1 Tim 2:14 – Eve disobeyed the Lord and so she was going to die.  Adam had to choose whether to go on with God without her, or...

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Wisdom Is Profitable To Direct Ecc 10:8-10

Wisdom is Profitable To Direct Eccl. 10: 8-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wisdom is profitable to direct because: Wisdom considers the best and safest way in every decision.  A man that digs a pit can fall in.  So, crews place steel bunkers inside holes they dig to protect the men in...

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Consider the End Ecc. 7: 8

Consider The End Ecc. 7: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ecc 7:8 better is the end of a thing than the beginning.  When evaluating things or making decisions about things, the Lord admonishes us to consider the end.  For instance, the Lord waits till the end of our lives to judge...

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You Choose Joshua 24:1-9

You Choose Joshua 24:1-9  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In life you choose and you live by the consequences of your choices.  In the Bible, God chose some things.  He chose the people, Israel [Deut 7:7], he chose the priest, Aaron [Num 17:5], he chose the place, Jerusalem [Deut 12:5], he...

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Choices Josh.24:15                 God has given each one of us a free will. You make all of your own choices. Each choice may be affected by different circumstances, but you make all of your own choices. If you are a born again, child of God, you have made the choice...

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Choices in Life Job 34: 4

Choices in Life Job 34: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Elihu said, “Let us choose to us judgment: let us know among ourselves what is good.”  We constantly make choices in life – today we’re going to talk about some simple ways to make choices in life so that the process...

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Lot’s Choice of Direction

Godly Choices     [Acts 9:6]         In this passage God got Saul’s attention and it resulted in this response, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Saul was now ready to make some Godly choices. If you tend to make choices based on anything other than the word of God, you...

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