The Way To Live, Prov 3:1-2

Prov 3 1-2 This Is The Way To Live CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Imagine that Prov 3:1-2 is God the Father talking to you as his child.  He’s telling you that keeping his commandments provides personal benefits to you.  They add length of days, long life and peace to you.  In...

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Neglecting the Bible, Rom 10:17

Neglecting the Bible Rom. 10:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you neglect the reading of your Bible and you neglect attending to the preaching and teaching of the Bible, you affect some very important things in your life.  Neglecting the Bible affects your: Spiritual Walk – Rom 10:17; 2 Cor 5:7....

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Noah’s Walk, Work and Word, Gen 6:9

Noah’s Walk, Work and Word Gen. 6:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Noah walked with God, worked for God, and spoke the word of God.  Likewise, we are to walk with the Lord, work for the Lord, and speak the word of the Lord in this world.  That is what the...

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Enoch Walked With God, Gen 5:21-24

One common problem with long people straying from the Lord is that they have no personal walk with God.  Well, Enoch walked with God and look how well things turned out for him.  Looking at Gen 5:22-24, we notice some things about a walk with God that should be apparent...

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How To Walk, 3 Jn 4

How are we supposed to walk after we get saved?  The Bible shows you how to walk. Walk in truth, 3 Jn 4.  How to walk in relation to the Bible.  John remarked about Gaius, “The truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth”, 3 Jn...

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Test Your Testimony, 1 John 2

As we studied in Sunday school, 1 John is doctrinally applied to Tribulation saints.   However, excellent spiritual applications can be made throughout this epistle.  One such application is the test of your testimony.  You can TEST your TESTimony. Three times in 1 Jn 2 we find the expression, “He...

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A Fresh Start, 2 Cor 5:17

A Fresh Start 2 Cor. 5: 17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO So much of the time, the reason that we get depressed or get stuck is that we can’t let go of the past.  We are living “butt first,” always turned around, walking backwards, regretting the past, unaware of what’s coming...

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Baby Steps, Acts 3:1-10

Baby Steps Acts 3:1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The scene is afternoon prayer outside the Temple in Jerusalem.  Laying there at the Beautiful gate is a lame man.  He’s been lame from his mother’s womb.  He reminds me of a lost man [lost because of his natural birth] hanging around church....

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Walk In Love, Eph 5:2

Walk in Love, Light, and Wisdom In Ephesians 5, as Christians, we see three things to walk in.  We are to walk in love, Eph 5:2, in light, Eph 5:8, and in wisdom, Eph 5:15.  We can do this because we are saved and now have eternal life.  They were...

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Good Christian Conduct, Col 4:1-6

This Sunday school lesson covers Col 4:1-6.  The first verse picks up where the last verse from Col 3 left off.  The remainder of the passage deals with three essential aspects of good Christian conduct: your prayer, your walk, and your speech.  Before we get into these three, we’ll look...

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