Jesus Who Is Called Christ, Matt 1:16

Matt 1:16 and Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.  When Jesus is called Christ, this appellation signifies four things about him.  He is: The King of Israel Matt 2:1-4 where is he that is born king of the Jews?  And...

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Christmas Traditions, 2 Thes 1:7-10

Christmas Traditions 2 Thes.1:7-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are going to examine some Christmas traditions which are perversions of Biblical truth.  Here are some of the major Christmas traditions: Santa coming to town – instead of waiting around for Santa to arrive (which he won’t), look for Titus 2:13,...

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Can Christians enjoy Christmas? Rom 14:5-6

Can Christians Enjoy Christmas Rom.14:5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Can Christians enjoy Christmas?  That’s a simple question and the answer is also simple.  Sure. Some folks don’t believe that Christians ought to enjoy Christmas. Frankly, there is nothing wrong with decorating a tree, sending Christmas cards and exchanging gifts with your...

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Celebrating the Birth of Christ, 1 Cor 15:3-4

Celebrating the Birth of Christ 1 Cor. 15:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christmas for many of us is a fun time of year – our families get together, we enjoy some good fellowship with our friends and church families, we send cards and presents to our friends and families and so...

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What Will You Give Jesus, Matt 2:11

When the wise men came to Jesus as a young child, they worshipped him and “presented unto him gifts,” [Matt 2:11].  The gifts they gave him were particularly appropriate for a king (gold), a priest (frankincense), and a prophet (myrrh), of which Jesus was uniquely all three.  Generally, these office...

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The Miraculous Birth of Jesus, Matt 1:23

Around Christmas time, Christians presumably remember the birth of Jesus Christ.  While you celebrate his birth, consider that the birth of Jesus Christ was a miracle. His miraculous virgin birth – Matt 1:20-25 – Jesus’ birth from a virgin was prophesied in Is 7:14.  Never before or since has a...

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Christmas Perversions, Is 63:2

When you read the first part of Is 63:2, about a man dressed in red, and the first part of Rev 1:14, about a man with long white hair, are you reading about Santa Claus?  You might think so when you consider how the world has perverted the truth of...

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