Why We Are a Baptist Church

There are six distinct doctrines that distinguish Bible believing Baptist churches from all other churches and religions in the world.  Some non-denominational churches hold these doctrines, and, thus, they are Baptist in their doctrine though not in their name.  We are not ashamed of the name “Baptist” and we are...

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Cheer Up My Brother, Acts 27:13-36

Cheer Up My Brother Acts 27:13-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There’s an old favorite hymn called “Farther Along” and the chorus goes like this, “Farther along we’ll know all about it, farther along we’ll understand why, cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine, we’ll understand it all by and by.” ...

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Two Great Lights, Gen 1:16

Two Great Lights Gen. 1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been studying the darkness in the universe for the last two broadcasts.  We have seen that this darkness was created by God [Is 45:7] and fills the entire universe.  This darkness is separated from the light God created in...

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Assemble Together in Church, Heb 10:25

According to Heb 10:25, we are to assemble together in church, and so much the more as we see the day approaching. If Auré were to minister in Réunion Island, would it be necessary for him to gather new believers to assemble together in church? When we were in Réunion...

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Develop Unity in Church, 1 Cor 12:20-25

Eph 5:30-32 shows us that we are one flesh with Chirst.  In one flesh you have union.  Eph 5:32 this is a mystery concerning Christ and the church.  We see this clearly in 1 Cor 12:12-27.  We are one body with many members.  In 1 Cor 12:20-25, Christ desires no...

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Necessities of the Christian Life

There are at least three necessities in the Christian life.  Of course, before you can have these you must have life. You must receive the life of God – Jn 14:6.  Jesus Christ is the life.  Rom 6:23, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. ...

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Invite People To Church, 1 Cor 14:22-25

1 Cor 14:22-25 describes a church service where unbelievers are present.  Therefore, you should invite people to church. Generally, prophesying is for the edification of believers, v.22; 1 Cor 14:4-5.  What takes place in the service should edify the saints.  Tongues, v.22, are for them that believe not, predominately because...

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What Your Heart Will Follow, Job 31:7

What your heart will follow Tonight we’re going to discuss what your heart will follow.  When Job was professing his own righteousness before his friends, he said, “If my step hath turned out of the way, and mine heart walked after mine eyes, and if any blot hath cleaved to...

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Jesus Has The Preeminence, Col 1:15-20

In this lesson, we are studying Col 1:15-20, in which we see that Jesus has the preeminence.  Col 1:18 says, “that in all things he might have the preeminence.”  Jesus’ preeminence is evident in that: He is the image of the invisible God – Col 1:15 – God is a...

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Prayer Was Made, Acts 12:5

Acts 12 records a distressing time for the church.  Herod had killed James, the brother of John, and had imprisoned Peter, intending to kill him.  Notice the response of the church.  They prayed.  Acts 12:5 says, “prayer was made.”  Look at that word “made.”  They did it.  They accomplished it. ...

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