From Persecutor to Preacher Gal 1:13-24

Galatians 1:13-24 From Persecutor to Preacher CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul gave the Galatians some of his personal testimony in this passage because they had willingly decided to follow different preachers who had changed the gospel and had put them under a legalistic religion instead of the true liberty in Christ. ...

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Neglect Not 1 Tim. 4:14

Neglect Not 1 Tim. 4: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Four times in the Bible we find the simple word “neglect.”  And in the context of this word we find admonitions, if not directly, implicitly instructing us to not neglect some things.  We are to neglect not: The established word –...

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Build On These Foundations, Ps. 11:3

Foundation Ps. 11:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Ps 11:3. When the foundations are destroyed, there’s nothing you can do.  Whatever you built is going to crumble.  Likewise, if your life has no foundation or you build on the wrong foundation, it...

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The Rapture

Christians disagree over whether the Church will go through the Tribulation or not.  We believe that the Church will not go through the Tribulation.  This study explains why believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church. We begin with a basic understanding of salvation in the Church Age.  Once that...

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The Work of the Ministry Rom. 16:1-15

The Work of the Ministry Rom. 16:1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The ministry takes a church not just an individual and yet every individual must do his part because we are ONE body of believers.  Notice how many people, by name, were involved with Paul in Rom 16:1-15.  No man can do...

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Boaz a Type of Christ

Ruth 2-4 Boaz a Type of Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ruth and Boaz represent many types of the Church and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Today, we will study Boaz as a type of the Lord Jesus Christ. Boaz was a “mighty man of wealth” – 2:1 – see 2 Cor...

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Ruth a Type of the Church

Ruth 1-4 Ruth a Type of the Church CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ruth and Boaz represent many types of the Church and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Today, we will study Ruth as a type of the Church. She was a stranger – 1:4 – she was from Moab and was therefore...

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Mystery of the Church Eph.5:30-32

Ephesians 5:30-32 Mystery of the Church CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  The following verses in order unveil for you the mystery of the church.  You can see clearly the foreknowledge of God in the design of the church. Gen 2:23 Lk 24:39 Eph 5:30, 2nd half of the verse is not in...

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The Mystery of Christ Eph. 3:1-12

 Ephesians 3:1-12 The Mystery of Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul wrote Ephesians while in he was in Rome as a prisoner.  So in v. 1, when he says a prisoner…for you Gentiles, he is serious.  If he would have compromised the gospel and preached circumcision, he would have escaped imprisonment,...

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