The Work of the Spirit, Jn 7:39

The Work of the Spirit Jn. 7:39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I heard a sermon preached at a conference distinguishing the work of the Spirit from our work.  The gist of the message is that we need to recognize the Spirit’s responsibilities and our own responsibilities.  The Spirit doesn’t do all...

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The Benefits of Affliction, Ps 119

The Benefits of Affliction Ps. 119 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Benefits of Affliction are seen in Ps 119.  Often in affliction we only see the suffering and trouble.  Look for the benefits. Affliction can lead you to salvation through God’s words – Psalm 119:107 – I am afflicted very much:...

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Christ in You, Col 1:27

When you get saved, Christ is is you.  His presence in your life changes things completely.  You are literally a new creature in Christ [2 Cor 3:17].  Christ in you: Results in your death – Rom 8:9-11 – specifically Rom 8:10.  When you get saved, everything about you should die....

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Let the Holy Spirit Work, Lk 1:15

In the first four chapters of the Gospel of Luke, we see repeated references to the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of John the Baptist and his family and Jesus Christ and his family.  When you read these chapters you understand that the Holy Spirit orchestrated everything. ...

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Good Signs of His Coming, 1 Thes 1:9-10

Shortly after news of the coronavirus first broke in the United States, Christians started asking, “Do you think this is a sign of the end times?”  And so I preached the message that compared the coronavirus with Biblical pestilences because I didn’t believe that this was a Biblical pestilence.  ...

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Comforting the Grieving, Job 2:11-13

What can you do to comfort the grieving? Just sit with them – Job 2:11-13 – Job’s friends did more by just sitting down with him quietly than they did by trying to talk him through his situation.  It’s hard to know what you should or should not say; you...

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Believe the Truth, 2 Thes 2:13-17

Today, we are studying 2 Thes 2:13-17. This passage is in the context of the rest of the chapter, which we studied previously.  From that lesson, we saw that there is a falling away first before the revelation of the man of sin [2 Thes 2:3].  The church age ends...

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He Refused to be Comforted, Gen 37:35

There are three places in your Bible where you read that somebody refused to be comforted.  We are going to study these people and their circumstances in which they refused to be comforted.  We won’t go too deeply into the doctrinal material in these passages, so we can glean the...

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Consolation Aboundeth, 2 Cor 1:1-11

In 2 Cor 1:1-11, Paul wrote to the Corinthians about consolation.  Consolation is comfort; it is the act of consoling; it is also the state of being consoled.  Consolation aboundeth: Because it comes from God – 2 Cor 1:3 – Paul said that God is “the God of all comfort.” ...

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