Noah The Man For A Storm

Noah The Man For A Storm CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Noah lived in a world that was caused [Gen 5:29], corrupt [Gen 6:11], and violent [Gen 6:11], like ours is today.  That’s why storms and troubles come.  You can’t fix the world spiritually or socially.  Only Jesus Can do that. ...

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A study in 1 Thessalonians: The comfort of the rapture.

A Study in 1 Thessalonians: The Comfort of the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) The passage for our study is 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and is describing an event called the Rapture of the Church. While it is true the word rapture does not occur in the word of God the definition of...

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Spiritual Blessings Eph. 1:1-6

  Ephesians 1:1-6 Spiritual Blessings CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul writes this letter primarily to Christians: he addresses the “saints,” “faithful” (v. 1). He offers them the “grace” and peace of God which is typical of his letters (v. 2).  Grace comes from God and Jesus Christ as supernatural strength from God...

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Comfort John 14

Comfort John 14  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is hardly a time in life that we don’t need to be comforted.  Little children need to be comforted when they are sick or hurting, and adults need to be comforted when they are sad or grieving.  Where do we need to...

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Comfort of the Scriptures

Comfort of the Scriptures Rom.15:4                 The comfort of the scriptures gives us hope. What is your go to verse? Do you have a verse or two that you can go to get some comfort or hope? If you are consistent in feeding on the words of God, then the...

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Benefits of Church Membership Eph. 4:11-16

Benefits of Church Membership Eph. 4:11-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People have asked me about the benefits of church membership.  The local church gives us: Praise for God – Eph 3:21 – “Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus…” – God is glorified by the praises of his...

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The Work of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38-39

The Work of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read the Book of Acts one thing you cannot miss is the continual reference to the work of the Holy Spirit.  There would be no Acts of the Apostles if there were no work of the Holy...

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The Assurance of the Rapture 1John 3:1-3

The Assurance of the Rapture 1John 3:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I was just thinking how important it is for us to be reminded of the rapture.  Because of the assurance of the rapture, we know that Jesus is coming but we often get our minds off this fact.  So, it’s...

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