
Commitments (2 Timothy 1:12-14)  In the above passage the word committed used in verses 12 & 14. The word committed comes from the word commit. A good explanation for how the word is used in this context would be, to give in trust or to put into the power of...

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Fret Not, Ps 37:1-9

Fret Not Ps.37:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Psalm 37 begins with a profound admonition, “Fret not.”  To fret means to cause to suffer emotional wear and tear: trouble persistently: vex, torment, worry, according to Webster’s dictionary.  We need to be reminded not to fret in times like these, because there seems...

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What God Committed to Us, 2 Cor 5:18-21

In the Bible, the word “commit” is used in two principle ways.  It either means to do or perpetrate something, like commit adultery, commit iniquity, commit sin, or it means to give in trust, to put into the hands or power of another.  This is the way it is first...

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He Shall Bring It to Pass, Ps 37:4-5

I discovered a very important principle recently.  We pray to God for him to bring our requests to pass.  And when we are urgent about getting the answer, we go straight to him with the request.  We need an answer and we want it now.  With this approach, we have...

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Worry is Sin

Worry is Sin Romans 14:23             “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” Worry is sin. The definition is “to feel or express undue care and anxiety, to be fretful”. God tells us all throughout the Bible not to worry.      [Phil 4:6] says “to be careful for nothing”. When we...

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The Right Response to Preaching Is.6:1,5,8

The Right Response to Preaching Is. 6:1,5, 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are getting ready for our missions conference and the question on your mind should be, “What is the right response to preaching?”  In other words, you know there is going to be continual emphasis on missions during the...

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