Praise Among the People, Ps 57:7-9

Praise Among the People When we meet together for worship, we typically begin our services with congregational singing.  How you sing praise among the people tells where your heart is with God.  To sing these hymns “with grace in your hearts to the Lord”, Col 3:16, requires several things that...

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Praise Is Comely, Ps 33:1

Praise Is Comely Praise is comely for the upright.  Praise is suited to the upright.  That is, people expect to see an upright person praising the Lord.  When you’re not upright, you’re uptight, and praise isn’t comely.  More importantly, God is looking for your praise to be comely.  That is,...

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Singing, Col 3:16

Singing Col 3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today’s message is on singing.  We are comparing modern so-called “Christian” music to the psalms and hymns and spiritual songs mentioned in Col 3:16 and Eph 5:19.  The purpose of this broadcast is to show you the contrast between the scriptural music of the...

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Assemble Together in Church, Heb 10:25

According to Heb 10:25, we are to assemble together in church, and so much the more as we see the day approaching. If Auré were to minister in Réunion Island, would it be necessary for him to gather new believers to assemble together in church? When we were in Réunion...

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Why We Sing, Col 3:16

The reason why we sing is that, in Col 3:16 and Eph 5:19, the Lord told us to sing. God’s creation started with singing. In Job 38:4-7 the morning stars sang together.  The nation of Israel sang their great song of deliverance in Ex 15 after God drowned Pharaoh and...

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The Word of Christ and Singing, Col 3:16

In Col 3:16, Paul wrote about the word of Christ and singing.  In this verse, he gave us clear instructions on what to do with both of these.  What to do with: The word of Christ – notice that Paul wrote “the word of Christ.”  In the Godhead, Jesus Christ...

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Sing A New Song, Ps 149:1

Before we were saved, our old songs were about carnal love, rebellion, drinking, getting high, surfing, losing lovers, trains, dogs, etc.  After getting saved we started singing new songs in church.  These are congregational songs according to Ps 149:1.  When you run the references to “new song” in the Bible,...

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Praise the Lord Ps. 111:1

Praise the Lord Ps. 111:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we get together we are to praise the Lord in the congregation.  Many churches have turned praising the Lord into a concert.  Contrasted to that movement in modern churches, what does the Bible say about how are we to praise the...

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Christian Music Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16

Christian Music CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are several qualities of Christian music that are addressed in this study.  We will limit ourselves to just a few of the many topics that could be discussed. Christian Music is Spiritual – Eph 5:19, Col 3:16 – “spiritual songs” – it is spiritual...

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