Great Gain, 1 Tim 6:6

Great Gain 1 Tim 6:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When I start out this broadcast by proclaiming that I can show you how to make a great gain, your ears perk up and your mind immediately imagines an investment opportunity.  But we’re not taking about investments today; we are talking about...

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Lay Hold On Eternal Life, 1 Tim 6:6-19

There is so much more to having eternal life than just being able to go to heaven when you die.  Of course, going to heaven is wonderful.  But if you could have more, wouldn’t you want it?  You can have more.  We are instructed to lay hold on eternal life,...

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Stand Fast in the Lord, Phil 4:1-13

In Phil 4:1-13, the passage starts with stand fast in the Lord and ends with I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.  You say I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to stand fast.  And I don’t sense the strength in me to do ALL THINGS.  The rest...

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Be Content, Lk 3:14

To “be content” is a command in the Bible.  Therefore: Be content with your salary – Lk 3:14 – the laborers who agreed for a penny a day, and labored all day to get it, were upset when those who labored the last hour of the day were given the...

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Debt 1 Sam. 22:2                 The first time “debt” is mentioned in the Bible in in 1 Sam. 22:2. We find David escaping to the cave Adullam. In verse 2, three type of folks “gathered themselves unto” him, everyone that was in distress, in debt and discontented. These three always...

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Getting High Mk 8:36-37

Getting High Mk 8: 36-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The sermon is about the vain pursuit of earthly ambition and sensual pleasure contrasted with the fulfillment, contentment and satisfaction of spiritual pursuits. The vain pursuit of earthly ambition and sensual pleasure.  Take the devil for a perfect example.  In Is 14:12-14...

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They That Will Be Rich 1 Tim. 6: 6-10

They That Will Be Rich 1 Tim. 6: 6-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO “They that will be rich” [1 Tim 6:9] will never be rich.  They are not rich because: They have not gained —1 Tim 6:6 — The formula for true wealth is: Godliness + Contentment = Great Gain. First,...

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Rejoice with Trembling Ps. 2:11

Rejoice with Trembling Ps. 2:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ps 2:11 says, Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.  How do you rejoice with trembling?  I understand serving with fear but to rejoice with trembling doesn’t seem to make sense. If we could see God’s glory [Ex 33:18-23; Ex...

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I Will Never Leave Thee Heb.13: 5-6

I Will Never Leave Thee Heb.13: 5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Herein lays one of the greatest promises in the entire Bible.  The Lord will never leave us or forsake us.  In its immediate context we see some implications of this verse that should change our lives.  This one statement offers...

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Contentment 1 Tim. 6:6                 Godliness with contentment is great gain. We preach all the time about reading your Bible, improving your prayer life, and church attendance, which will help your godliness. But to have great gain, you must be content. This present evil world doesn’t want you to be...

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