A Happy Marriage, 1 Cor 11:11

A Happy Marriage 1 Cor. 11:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Some Biblical principles for a happy marriage are conversion, commitment, compassion, communication and cooperation.  We will examine these today in a little detail in hopes that they will prepare you for a happy marriage or that they will restore you to...

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Julius the Centurion’s Conversion Acts 27

Julius the Centurion’s Conversion Acts 27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Introduction: Read verses 1-6, going to look at Julius the Centurion’s Conversion Summarize what is happening in this passage (Paul being taken to Rome, and who is Julius.) Pray Read verses 7-13 and expound Chose to believe the wisdom of man     ...

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Peter’s Conversion Luke 22

Peter’s Conversion Luke 22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often quote episodes in the life of Peter that demonstrate how carnal, fearful, brash and self-willed he was.  Who will ever forget that he is the one who rashly walked on the water for a minute and then, because of his...

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