Simplify Your Life, Ps 116:6

Simplify Your Life Ps. 116: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It appears that one of the tricks of the world in its battle against you is to complicate your life.  With all of the time saving devices, technological advancements and enhancements in communication and transportation, we have been strangled by stress...

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De-evolution, Ps 102:25-27

De-evolution Ps. 102: 25-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The things that have been created will perish.  That is de-evolution.  Things are not improving and becoming more organized.  Things are getting worse.  Evolution is science falsely so called.  Notice the de-evolution of the following: Angels – Job 38:7 – the angels [sons...

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The Long Term Consequences of Sin, Gal 6:8

The Long Term Consequences of Sin Gal 6:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You need to be able to see the long term consequences of sin.  You need to look beyond the immediate pleasure and you also need to look beyond the immediate consequences [like a hangover].  You need to look all...

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Elymas Withstood Them, Acts 13:6-12

Elymas Acts 13:6-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Elymas was the sorcerer who withstood Paul and Barnabas when they came to preach the word of God to Sergius Paulus.  He was “seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith,” [Acts 13:8].  Paul knew what Elymas was up to and he stopped...

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What Do We Have Victory Over? 1 Cor. 15:51-57

What Do We Have Victory Over 1 Cor. 15: 51-57 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the passage for this sermon we are dealing with the rapture of the church which is also detailed in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. At this event Jesus will descend from heaven in the clouds to resurrect all...

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Is There Not A Cause

1 Sam 17:29 Is There Not A Cause CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When David came to the valley of Elah to check on the progress of the battle against the Philistines, he saw Goliath and he saw the men of Israel flee from him when he came out and offered his challenge. ...

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Easily Beset

Easily Beset Heb.12:1 This verse speaks of “the sin which doth so easily beset us”, and how it can weigh us down. To beset something is to surround, enclose, entangle, or press on all sides. Last week after boarding a tanker in our port, the seaman escorted us to their...

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Men Who Reject Christ Rom.1:16

Men Who Reject Christ Rom.1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The trouble with men who reject Christ, whether they reject him before they are saved or whether they reject him after they are saved (like college students talked out of their salvation), is that: They are ashamed of the gospel of Christ...

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Modern Bibles II Prov. 30: 6

Don’t Mess With The Bible III Prov. 30: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast is a continuation of yesterday’s broadcast on modern bibles and their perversions.  The Bible gives clear instructions in Rev 22:18-19 and Deut 4:2 that we are not to add to or subtract from the words of God. And...

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Don’t Mess With The Bible Prov. 30: 6

Don’t Mess With The Bible Prov. 30: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are people who think nothing of altering or “correcting” the Bible.  We have a basic word of exhortation for them, Don’t mess with the Bible.  Notice the prohibitions against adding anything to or taking anything away from...

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