America Must Stand With Israel

America Must Stand With Israel Gen. 12:2-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you didn’t know this already, America must stand with Israel. A pastor friend of mine said, “I believe that the reason God has not judged America is that we continue to support Israel and we continue to support missions.”...

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God’s Covenant with Abraham, Gen 12:1-7

Today we are studying God’s covenant with Abraham. Under this covenant, Abraham was promised a blessing (Gen 12:1-3), a seed (Gen 12:7), a nation (Gen 12:2), and a land grant (Gen 12:7; 15:18-21).  Furthermore, this covenant protected Abraham and his seed from those that would curse them (Gen 12:3). God’s...

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Lessons From Canaan, Lev 25:23

I heard a man accuse God because of what Israel did to the inhabitants of Canaan when they entered the promised land. If you happen to agree with this fellow, you might want to consider a few things before you, too, accuse God of wrongdoing.   The land of Canaan...

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The Jewish New Covenant, Heb 8:6-13

This is Part 4 in a 4 part introduction to Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews. We have been studying an overview of Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews, noting that Paul definitely authored this epistle specifically to address Jews in the Tribulation. He knew that God would be dealing with Israel to save the remnant at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Notice these...

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Relations With Jerusalem, Ezek 16:1-63

God’s Relations with Jerusalem Ezek 16:1-63 details some of the particulars of God’s relations with Jerusalem from their beginning through the Tribulation. The Birth of Jerusalem – Ezek 16:3-5 Jerusalem was a city of the Jebusites, Jos 15:8, 15:63.  The Jebusites were Canaanites, Gen 10:15-16.  The Lord said, “Thy father...

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The Covenant with Abraham Gal 3:15-22

Galatians 3:15-22 The Covenant With Abraham CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Covenants Man’s covenant God with Abraham Confirmation of the Covenant Confirmed “Back it up” – appears “Bear it out” – born Isaac, Ishmael, Gen 25 with Rebekah Promises made, Gen 13:14-17 Righteousness, spiritual and physical Land, Gen. 15:18  Gen. 15:4-7...

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When Covenants Apply II Rev.7:3

When Covenants Apply II Rev. 7 :3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The covenants we have been studying were all established in the Old Testament but they were not fulfilled in the Old Testament.  God covenanted with Abraham to give him and his seed the land from the Mediterranean Sea to the...

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When Covenants Apply I Gal. 3

When Covenants Apply I Gal. 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Now that we have seen the covenants in the Bible and have rightly divided a couple of Old Testament passages concerning Jesus Christ, we must determine when the covenants apply.  That way we won’t misapply scripture. For instance, the covenants...

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The Eternal Covenant Rev. 21, 22

The Eternal Covenant Rev. 21, 22  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The eternal covenant was established in Revelation 21-22.  The eternal covenant that runs from the end of the Millennium through eternity.  This covenant begins after the White Throne Judgment.  The token of the eternal covenant is New Jerusalem, Rev. 21:2....

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The New Covenant Matt. 26:28

The New Covenant Matt. 26:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The new covenant was given to Israel to replace the covenant that God made with Moses.  Because Israel rejected Jesus Christ at his first coming, the new covenant is now only partially fulfilled until the regeneration of Israel.  The new covenant was:...

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