Defeating the Giants, 1 Sam 17:4-51

Defeating the Giants in Your Life 1 Sam 17: 4-51 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson on defeating the giants in your life is based upon the scriptures that record David’s fight with Goliath.  This sermon is meant to encourage you in your fight against the giant or giants in your...

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Believing to See

Believing to See Psalm 27:13 ; Hebrews 11:27 In the two passages above we see that both David and Moses endured hardship and exercised faith in some things that they could not see. David, believed to see and Moses endured as seeing him who is invisible. Faith to see the...

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Battle Proven

Battle Proven 1 Samuel 17:1-52 In this sermon we will be looking at the story of David and Goliath. We will be comparing the armor of Goliath, Saul, and David in order to learn a valuable lesson from David that not only does the armor need to be proved, but...

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Love Hate Relationships, 1 Sam 16:21

Love Hate Relationships 1 Sam. 16: 21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have heard the expression, “they have a love hate relationship.”  Well, the truth of the matter is, as you know, a person either loves or hates the other person.  He doesn’t have both of these feelings at the same...

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Pretense, Gen 27:42-46

Pretense Gen. 27: 42-46 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Introduction A pretense is a false claim or profession; a false reason or plea; a pretending.  It is one of the most common ways to lie in life and you see it repeatedly in the Bible.  For example, a person pretends when he...

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David’s Character, 1 Sam 16:18

1 Sam 16:18 David’s Character CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage of scripture, we see some of David’s traits that reveal the composition and depth of his character.  David was: An Astute Man – cunning in playing.  It is more than talent that gave David the ability to play...

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Lessons from David and Goliath, 1 Sam 17:34-54

1 Sam 17:34-54 Lessons from David and Goliath CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The historical account of David and Goliath is well known.  So, we won’t retell it.  However, there are some fabulous lessons from this account and we will elaborate on those. Smaller trials prepare you for tougher battles – 1...

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David and Jonathan, 1 Sam 18:1-4

1 Sam 18:1-4 David and Jonathan CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jonathan saw David he knew right away that David was a man much like himself. He was brave and courageous in battle and unafraid to just go and get something done [like Jonathan did with the 1,000 men who destroyed...

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Thou Art But a Youth, 1 Sam 17:33

Thou Art But a Youth 1 Sam. 17:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul’s concern about David accepting Goliath’s challenge was that David was a youth.  But David’s age was of no consequence in the fight because he had prepared himself as a young man to do a grown man’s job.  He...

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Goodly Men, Gen 39:6

Goodly Men Gen. 39:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are several men in the Bible who are called goodly men.  Goodly means of pleasant appearance, character or quality: comely, handsome, excellent.  Here are the goodly men and here’s what we can learn from them: Joseph – Gen 39:6 – Joseph’s looks...

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