Be Valiant, Jud 6:11-12

Right now, people are scared because of the current collapse in the stock market, fear over the spread of the coronavirus, the fall in the price of oil, the continued bad news circulating endlessly every single day, and the uncertainty of what’s coming next.  It’s in times like these that...

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David in His Youth, 1 Sam 16:17-18

We’re studying the character of David as a young man to be an encouragement to our young men to be like him.  David was Jesse’s youngest son.  He kept his father’s sheep.  When David’s three older brothers went into battle with Saul, David stayed home and kept the sheep [1...

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When God Says No Deut. 3:23-26

When God Says No Deut. 3: 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When God Says No Deu.3:23-26 What a Great Opportunity We Have! Introduction: • Many lessons have been taught on the hinderances of prayer • God answers prayer, yes, no, or not now. • Most of mine are no. • God...

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The Spirit of the Lord in the Old Testament

1 Sam 16:13-14 The Spirit of the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Old Testament the Spirit of the Lord was very active in men’s lives. He was involved in creation Gen 1:2 He was involved in striving with men Gen 6:3 similar to the way that he reproves them...

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When Covenants Apply I Gal. 3

When Covenants Apply I Gal. 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Now that we have seen the covenants in the Bible and have rightly divided a couple of Old Testament passages concerning Jesus Christ, we must determine when the covenants apply.  That way we won’t misapply scripture. For instance, the covenants...

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The Covenant with David

The Covenant with David (Partial recording only) CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The covenant with David was established in 2 Sam 7:8-16.  In this covenant with David the Lord established the throne of his kingdom from which Solomon ruled and from which the Lord Jesus Christ will eventually rule the world...

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The value of friendship.

The Value of Friendship (1 Samuel 18:1-5 and 1 Samuel 20:1-42) Friendship is one of the most valuable things a man can have. There is no equal for a true friend. In the case of David and Jonathan we see an example of true friendship that stood the test of...

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What a young person can do.

What a Young Person Can Do 1 Samuel 17:1-52 In this lesson we will focus on David who despite being young accomplished a great feat. Many today do not believe that young people can do very much especially when it comes to doing something for God. But sometimes young people...

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David Encouraged Himself in the Lord 1Sam. 30:1-6

David Encouraged Himself in the Lord 1Sam. 30:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David was shocked when he saw Ziklag burned.  His family was gone, his city was burned, his possessions were stolen, his men were against him and he was away from his country.  He was literally all alone.  He was...

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Is There Not a Cause 1 Sam.17:4

Is There Not a Cause 1 Sam. 17:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When David showed up to see how his brothers were doing in the battle against the Philistines he was surprised to find them in a standoff because of one man, Goliath – rather than run away in fear when...

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