Rest, Matt 11:28-30

Rest Matt 11:28-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Rest is essential.  But often we find that Christians are restless.  So, today we’ll give you some Biblical, and yet practical, ways to begin resting.  Rest: By taking the Lord’s yoke – Matt 11:28-30 – listen carefully to what the Lord said in these...

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Wandering Out Of The Way, Prov 21:16

Wandering Out Of The Way Prov. 21: 16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 21:16 says, “The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.”  This is one of the most ignored verses in the Bible.  It speaks of a specific right way...

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Thou Livest and Art Dead, Rev 3:1

The church in Sardis had a name that they lived, and yet they were dead.  There are so many Christians like this today.  Because we are saved, we are alive in Christ.  We are born again.  We have eternal life.  We are going to heaven when we die.  Yet, despite...

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The Widow of Nain Luke 7:11-16

The Widow of Nain Luke 7:11-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The funeral for and the resurrection of the son of the widow of Nain pictures the sinner’s need of Christ and the result of his meeting with Christ. The city is called Nain which means “pleasant.”  When coming into this city,...

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Dead to Sin, Rom 6:1-11

Dead to Sin Rom. 6:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Some men are inclined to preach licentiousness because “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound,” [Rom 5:20].  In Rom 6:1-11, Paul answers the challenge, “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?”  No, because we are dead to sin.  In...

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Is there a general resurrection of the dead?

No. There is a false doctrine that professes that every human being will be present to stand before God at a general resurrection in the future.  This doctrine concerns the white throne judgment mentioned in Rev 20:11-15.  However, while there is certainly a resurrection of the dead to appear at...

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