Your Life is a Vapor, Jas 4:13-17

In Jas 4:26, James wrote, “For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”  From Jas 4:13-17, we should glean some important truths from this thought provoking question and the comments James gives in reply.  We see from this...

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Some are Fallen Asleep, 1 Cor 15:6

In 1 Cor 15:6 most of the over five hundred brethren who saw Jesus after his resurrection were still alive when Paul wrote 1 Corinthians.  However, Paul said, “some are fallen asleep.”  Our dear brother, Benny Craft, fell asleep yesterday.   His race is over – Heb 12:1 – we...

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The Death of His Saints, Ps 116:15

Ps 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”  The Psalmist didn’t say death is precious.  Death is horrible.  Death came from Adam’s disobedience [Rom 5:12].  God remedied our problem with death through the death of his own Son [Heb 2:14-15].  In Is...

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Christ Came Into the World, 1 Tim 1:15

1 Tim 1:15 says, “Christ Jesus came into the world…”  This is the season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, presumably.  Why did Christ come into the world? Christ came to fulfill the promises to Israel – Rom 9:3-5 – he was born King of the Jews [Matt...

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Ready to Meet the Lord, Matt 24:44

In the last two weeks, we have seen the need to be ready to preach and to be ready for action.  To be ready to preach, we must first be ready to listen and ready to answer.  To be ready for action, we must be ready to pray, to give...

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Death Worketh In Us, 2 Cor 4:1-18

Today we are studying 2 Cor 4.  The theme of this passage is from verse 12, “death worketh in us.” Paul constantly suffered as he preached the gospel, (what he called, “this ministry,” verse 1). In second Corinthians 3:6 he said, we are “ministers of the New Testament,” and in...

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What Do We Have Victory Over? 1 Cor. 15:51-57

What Do We Have Victory Over 1 Cor. 15: 51-57 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the passage for this sermon we are dealing with the rapture of the church which is also detailed in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. At this event Jesus will descend from heaven in the clouds to resurrect all...

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Creation Lesson #8 (Genesis 3:7-13)

Creation Lesson #8 (Genesis 3:7-13) Results of Sin (Genesis 3:7-13) In the previous lesson we saw how Satan tempted Eve and how both her and Adam ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and committed the first sin by mankind. Now we took from that some valuable...

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Love Mothers Prov. 31:28

Love Mothers Prov. 31:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Mothers are very special.  Why do we call them blessed?  Why do we praise them?  We call you blessed and we praise you because mothers: Nearly die to bring us into this world – 1 Sam 4:19-21 – when Phineas’ wife bare Ichabod,...

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Samson and Delilah

Judges 16:4-31 What Samson Lost With Delilah CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Samson fell in love with Delilah.  Three times he had trouble with women down with the Philistines.  The third time was the charm in a manner of speaking.  When Samson and Delilah got together, she enticed him to tell her...

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