The Power of the Rod Ps. 110:2

The Power of the Rod Ps.110:2. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO (Psalm 110:2 ; Isaiah 11:1)  In these two verses we see that Jesus Christ is referred to as a rod. When we think of a rod we think back to the rod used by Aaron and the one used by...

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The Eternal Covenant Rev. 21, 22

The Eternal Covenant Rev. 21, 22  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The eternal covenant was established in Revelation 21-22.  The eternal covenant that runs from the end of the Millennium through eternity.  This covenant begins after the White Throne Judgment.  The token of the eternal covenant is New Jerusalem, Rev. 21:2....

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Divorce and Remarriage, Rom 7:1-4

Divorce and Remarriage Rom. 7:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about divorce and remarriage.  If I have been divorced must I remain unmarried?  No, as long as there were scriptural reasons for your divorce.  This is a controversial subject, to say the least.  Those who have never been divorced...

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From Death to Life Eph. 2:1-6

Ephesians 2:1-6 From Death to Life CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Before you were saved, you were dead doctrinally.  Practically, obviously, you were alive.  Your soul and your body were alive (Matt 10:28), but you spirit was dead.  That is why Jn 3:3-8 speaks of “born of the spirit,” “spiritual birth.”  Lk 9:59-60 says...

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Delivered From the Law, Rom 7:1-13

Delivered from the Law Rom. 7:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 7:6 Paul says, Now we are delivered from the law.  For a law abiding Jew, being delivered from the law would be unthinkable.  As we saw in our study of Galatians, Jews were trying to put Gentile Christians back...

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Victory Through Our Lord 1 Cor. 15:50-57

Victory Through Our Lord 1 Cor. 15:50-57 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our text is 1 Cor 15:50-58.  Three times in this text we find the word “victory.”  “Death is swallowed up in victory,” [1 Cor 15:54].  “O grave, where is thy victory,” [1 Cor 15:55]?  “But thanks be to God, which...

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Identify Your Enemies

Identify Your Enemies Prov.27:6 Last lesson we studied “friends”. This lesson we are studying about “enemies”. According to this verse we can be deceived, and it may be harder that you think to identify your enemies. An enemy is something who hates or opposes another and tries to harm them...

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What Happens After Death Gen 35:16

What Happens After Death CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People often want to know what happens after death.  The following notes are an outline, more or less in chronological order, of the things that will happen after death.  After death: The soul departs – Gen 35:18 The spirit returns to God –...

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The Grave Prov. 30:15

The Grave Prov. 30:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon on the grave deals with several aspects of graves that we find in the Bible.   The grave: Is never satisfied – Prov 30:15 – death keeps claiming its victims and the grave keeps receiving its corpses – since sin kills and...

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Isaiah 53:1-12 A Man of Sorrows

A Man of Sorrows Is. 53:1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus Christ is called a man of sorrows and he was acquainted with grief. These are characteristics of his earthly ministry.  Today we are going to look at five things concerning the Lord’s sorrows: the cause of his sorrows, the purpose...

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