Matthew 9:18-38 The Shepherd of the Sheep

Matt 9:18-38 The Shepherd of the Sheep CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We always have to remember in studying the book of Matthew that we are literally reading about Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, revealing himself to Israel. Though we can often glean some spiritual truths, we have to be certain to learn...

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Genesis 49:28-33 After Death, in the Old and New Testaments

Jacob gave his children specific instructions to bury him in the family buringplace, the cave in the field of Machpelah, which Abraham purchased when Sarah died (Gen 23).  Afterwards, the Bible says that he “yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people,” (v. 33).  The gathering unto his...

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Genesis 35:16-20 Rachel’s Death

  We will discuss three things in this passage:   The word used to describe Rachel’s condition before childbirth; The custom of erecting a pillar to mark her grave; and The departure of her soul at death.     Labour   Before Benjamin was born, the Bible says that Rachel...

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