The Deceitfulness of Sin, Heb 3:13

The Deceitfulness of Sin Heb. 3:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Heb 3:13 says, “… lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”  The deceitfulness of sin is the belief that you can have: Sinful pleasure without pain.  Sin will hurt you.  You will hurt yourself and you can...

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Believe the Word, 2 Thes 2:9-12

We are to believe the word of God.  That’s what God expects us to do.  He wants us to believe what he said. What the Bible says about sin we are to believe.  What the Bible says about righteousness and salvation, we are to believe.  Believe the word.  Believe what...

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We’re going to study the topic of deception this evening.  There are five things that can deceive you and you must defend yourself from each of these. Riches will deceive you – Mk 4:19.  Our country’s problem is not an economic problem.  Rather, it’s a righteousness problem.  Righteousness exalteth a nation. ...

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Deception, Mark 13:5

Deception Mark 13:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are told that before the coming of the Lord, during the time in which we are living now, we are to beware of deception.  So it is important that we learn about deception so that we can keep from being deceived.  Notice from...

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Things That Deceive You, Rom 7:11

This is a two-part sermon on things that deceive you and people that deceive you.  Today we are going to study four things that deceive you.   Sin deceives you – Rom 7:11, Heb 3:13 – sin is a vicious deceiver.  Sin is deadly, Rom 6:23.  But sin doesn’t kill...

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Guile, Ps 32:2

Guile is defined as craft, cunning, duplicity, and deceit.  It is found in the man and is manifested by what he says. Ps 32:2 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.  So, it is in you, in your...

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Passive Aggressive Behavior, 2 Sam 14:28-33

Passive Aggressive Behavior 2 Sam. 14:28-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I don’t really like calling this message Passive Aggressive Behavior because that is a term applied by Psychology to the behavior that we are going to discuss today. Nevertheless, I chose that title because you may have heard it and be...

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Through Deceit They Refuse to Know Me, Jer 9:6

Through Deceit They Refuse to Know Me Jer. 9:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jer 9:6 the Lord said, Through deceit they refuse to know me.  That is men deceive themselves to keep from knowing God.  The question is, “By what means of deception do they refuse to know God?”  They...

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The Crafty Lying Tongue, Job 15:5

The Bible describes all kinds of tongues. We are studying tongues that are an unruly evil. Today we will study the crafty lying tongue.  Notice the unruly evil of a: Crafty tongue – Job 15:5 – “thou choosest the tongue of the crafty.” A crafty tongue is cunning and skillful in...

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Beware Of Philosophies and Vain Deceits, Col 2:8-9

In Col 2:8-9, Paul warned us to beware of, that is, to guard ourselves against, men who would spoil us.  When men spoil you, they corrupt you.  Men can spoil you through philosophy and deceit, particularly philosophy and deceit after the tradition of men or the rudiments of the world. ...

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