What Can Defile Man Mk 7:14-23

What Can Defile A Man Mk 7:14-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What can defile man?  Nothing from without, entering into a man, can defile him. It’s the things which come out of him that defile man. There is much attention these days on selecting only organic foods, eating gluten-free foods, maintaining...

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Is There Not A Cause

1 Sam 17:29 Is There Not A Cause CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When David came to the valley of Elah to check on the progress of the battle against the Philistines, he saw Goliath and he saw the men of Israel flee from him when he came out and offered his challenge. ...

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Getting High Mk 8:36-37

Getting High Mk 8: 36-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The sermon is about the vain pursuit of earthly ambition and sensual pleasure contrasted with the fulfillment, contentment and satisfaction of spiritual pursuits. The vain pursuit of earthly ambition and sensual pleasure.  Take the devil for a perfect example.  In Is 14:12-14...

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Protect Your Faith, Col 2:6-8

Protect Your Faith Colossians 2:6-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Paul, there are four great enemies of your faith in the world. They are philosophy, vain deceit, religion, and education.  They will spoil you like an enemy spoils in war.  Now you can keep from getting spoiled by your faith...

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What Is Truth? John 18:38

Jn 18:38 What Is Truth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?”  That is a profound question but he didn’t stick around for the answer.  The Bible shows us the answer is: Jesus Christ [Jn 14:6]. God’s word [Jn 17:17]. God’s Holy Spirit [1 Jn 5:6; Jn 16:13]. The Bible also...

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Against the Knowledge of God II Cor. 10: 3-6

Against the Knowledge of God II Cor. 10: 3-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God and then you can’t see him or his hand in what you are doing.  You have to know God in your life and in every circumstance of...

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Isaiah 30:1-17 The Rebellious Children

The Rebellious Children CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The first part of Isaiah 30 is about the rebellious children of Israel who run to Egypt for protection only to find that the nation on whom they depend can’t help them.  Only the Lord can help them and yet they will not...

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Things God Hates

 Things God Hates Zec.8:16-17 Zechariah was told by the Lord in this passage that there are some things God hates. If we really want to please God we need to take heed to the things God hates. Some times we don’t realize that what we consider a small fib or...

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Four Things to Avoid in Church Prov. 26: 17-21

Four Things to Avoid Prov. 26:17-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Christian life, because you are associated with lots of other people in church and in fellowship, there are four things to avoid in church – these are things that plague churches – here are the four things to avoid: Avoid...

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The King’s Banquet Prov. 23: 1-8

The King’s Banquet Prov. 23:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People are impressed when they receive an invitation to a fancy dinner party – but this verse tells us that you’d better watch out because there are some hidden traps at the charity ball, at the $1,000 per plate political fund raiser...

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