Serve As Unto Christ, Eph 6:5-9

According to our text in Eph 6:5-9, servants should serve their masters as if they were serving the Lord, himself.  And masters should treat their servants with the same respect as Christ treats us.  Everything we do in our service to men should be done “as unto Christ.”  When you...

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Train up a Child Prov. 22:6

Train Up A Child Prov. 22:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Train up a child, by interpretation this verse can be a blessing or a curse to many. It is a proverb not a promise from God. A person’s own will determines the way that they go. Even though this is not...

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Beneath the Cross John 19:25

Beneath the Cross John 19:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 19:25, three women stood by the cross. If you could stand beneath the cross like them, it would change you.  Imagine what the cross did to God the Father, seeing his only begotten Son whom he forsook because of...

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A Way Which Seemeth Right Prov. 14:12

A Way Which Seemeth Right Prov. 14:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 14:12 says. “There is a way which seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”  If you want the way of life, you must have Jesus Christ [Jn 14:6].  That’s plain and simple. ...

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