Example of Timothy, 2 Tim 3:15

Example of Timothy I was asked by a fellow in Australia why there were not more young people going to the mission field and staying when they got there. We can probably answer that question best by studying the example of Timothy. Upbringing – 2 Tim 3:15.  “From a child...

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When Satan Attacks, 1 Pet 5:8

When Satan Attacks 1 Pet 5: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the devil is a roaring lion… seeking whom he may devour [1 Pet 5:8].  He patiently waits for optimum times to attack.  Here are some of the more obvious times when you can expect the devil...

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Meekness, Ps 45:4

Meekness Ps. 45:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ps 45:4 is a prophecy concerning the Second Coming of Jesus.  He rides prosperously because of his meekness, truth and righteousness.  In Jn 14:6, Jesus says that he is the truth.  In 1 Cor 1:30, he is made unto us righteousness.  But what is...

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Rejoice Evermore, 1 Thes 5:16

Paul’s specific instruction to Christians in 1 Thes 5:16 is that we “Rejoice evermore.”  Now I, certainly, have not obeyed this command all the time and I’m pretty sure that you haven’t either.  One reason is that we haven’t been doing the things that cause Christians to rejoice.    There...

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In Phile 10-19 we see a great testimony of Onesimus’s salvation and Paul’s wonderful care for him.  Onesimus was the servant of Philemon, who evidently departed from him under adverse circumstances.  He left with a bad testimony as an unprofitable servant who was also indeted to his master. Onesimus didn’t...

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Reap in Joy, Ps 126:5-6

Reap in Joy Ps. 126:5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If everyone could go “soul winning” and reap in joy, there would be a lot more Christians laboring in the harvest.  Reaping is always joyful [Lk 15:7, 10].  But to reap in joy, one must remember what is involved.  To reap in...

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Five Things You Need to Grow, 2 Peter 3:18

Five Things You Need to Grow 2 Peter 3:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are five things you need to grow in your relationship to Jesus and your relationship to your local church.  These are particularly important for young adults and families today.  These two groups evidently have the greatest difficulty...

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Baby Steps, Acts 3:1-10

Baby Steps Acts 3:1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The scene is afternoon prayer outside the Temple in Jerusalem.  Laying there at the Beautiful gate is a lame man.  He’s been lame from his mother’s womb.  He reminds me of a lost man [lost because of his natural birth] hanging around church....

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Laboring in the Harvest, Matt 9:37-38

Laboring in the Harvest Matt. 9:37-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We need to be laboring in the harvest.  In order to labor in the harvest God’s way we need to be involved regularly in the following work: Praying – Matt 9:38 – the Lord said, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of...

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#1 Bevans Welder – A Good Timothy, 2 Tim 2:2

Timothy was able to learn from Paul because he listened, he discerned, and he committed what he learned to others. In 2 Tim 2:2, Paul gave instructions to Timothy on how to pass on to others what he had received from Paul.   When Paul met Timothy, he was already...

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