Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out, Num 32:23

Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out Num. 32:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse appears in a passage where the tribes of Gad and Reuben try to convince Moses to let them stay out of Canaan and inherit in the land of Jazer and the land of Gilead on...

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When Ye Pray Believe, Mk 11:23-24

When Ye Pray Believe In Mk 11:24, Jesus told his disciples, “when ye pray believe”.  In Mk 11:22 he said, “Have faith in God”.  So, we are to pray in faith, believing.  Yet, there are three things that can prevail against your faith and weaken it.  We’re going to talk...

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The Little Unattended Things

Introduction: In marriage, there are things that will come up from time to time that will break down the unity of marriage. Often times, these things will start off small and then become bigger and badder. Little things unattended will lead to bigger things and can eventually lead to a...

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Seven Times, 1 Ki 18:43

This sermon is on some verses in the Bible where we find the phrase “seven times”.  These passages teach us to: Keep praying if at first you don’t get an answer.  Elijah prayed for rain while his servant went to look toward the sea seven times till the rain came,...

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Rebels Against the Words of God, Ps 107:10-15

Rebels Against the Words of God Ps. 107:10-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When men become rebels against the words of the Lord [Ps 107:11] and contemn the counsel of the most High, they find themselves in ever increasing trouble.  Once the trouble starts it only gets worse with time.  Rebels against...

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John Haveman – Discouragement

Disappointments are inevitable Discouragement is a choice When You Get Discouraged: Num 21:4-5 You’ll say stupid things that you’ll regret. Matt  11:3 You’ll begin to doubt God. Num 13:31-33, Num 32:7 You’ll start imagining things. Your task will become more difficult than it really is. Num 20:1-11 You’ll do the...

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#5 Wayne Sehmish – Handling Disappointment

The lesson text is from 1 Ki 19:1-4. The Passionate Are Often Discouraged By The Indifferent. You Must Learn To Handle Ministry (People) Disappointments. You Are Not A Single Entity; You Do Not Work Alone. You Must Learn To Handle Disappointments in Yourself. God Is Always Working; You Will See...

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The Greaves of Prayer, Eph 6:18-19

We have been studying the armor of God on Wednesday nights.  We have discussed the helmet of salvation, which protects us from carnality, fear and pride with a saved, spiritual, sound, servant mind.  The breastplate of righteousness, which protects us through the righteousness of Jesus Christ when we stay right...

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Israel’s Failure in Canaan, Num 32:10-12

When Israel had the opportunity to enter Canaan the first time, they encountered some problems that set them back and caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty years.  Then when they finally made it into the land, they encountered a couple more problems that caused them unnecessary grief...

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Discouragement, One of the Devil’s Greatest Tools

Discouragement, One of the Devil’s Greatest Tools Num. 21:1-9 Jn. 3:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  One of the greatest tools of the devil is discouragement. Many saved born again people are on the sidelines instead of in the game today because of discouragement. One of the most dangerous things about discouragement...

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